Monday, June 30, 2008

Spyware Should Be Removed

Writen by Kenth Nasstrom

Spyware, hated by almost all, and still widely used. But how common is spyware? Could you have some installed on your computer at this moment? Read on and learn more about this hated software.

If you use the internet, "There is over 90% chance your computer is infected with spyware" - Source CNN.

How dangerous are spyware? Here's a short list of things spyware can do.

* Spyware can run completely hidden on your computer * It can slow down your computer a lot * It can spy on you and send everything you type to someone else * It can record everything you do, allowing someone to see it later * It can spy on you and send account information, passwords, credit card numbers and similar to a third party * It can "steal" files, pictures, videos and more from your computer

Some spyware will do just a few things and others everything from the list above, and more.

You must keep your computer clean from spyware or risk loosing personal information, financial information and even your private photos or family videos.

Run a spyware scanner regularly to clean out any spyware that may have sneaked their way into your computer. Do note that antivirus software (even the most expensive ones) have problems to keep spyware out. So get a good anti spyware software and use it!

No matter what the spyware's purpose really is, the bottom line is that at the very least it will cause you countless hours of problem solving and slow downs on your computer.

Scan your PC now to make sure it is clean. If you find anything, avoid using any credit cards or visit your online bank until the PC is cleaned with a top anti spyware software.

There are many different types of software that can harm, cripple or just reside quietly inside your computer. Beside virus, the most common types are Spyware, Adware, Malware, Trojans, Backdoors, Bots and Dialers.

They all have different agendas but will to a degree change the way your computer function and how well it works. This beside the obvious threath the program itself impose.

Many may think that antivirus programs are good protection against spyware, adware and other types of Malware. The problem is that most commonly used spyware and adware are not exactly virus or "bad software".

Spyware is meant to spy on you and collect certain information. This information is then sent to some company that collects data from many computers and use or sell statistics over what people does with their computers.

This is what happens if one of the "good" spyware programs infect your computer. A bad spyware will grab your credit card information, bank id and login, email content or similar and send it to someone who uses it to rob you, commit crime or even worse.

You should check and clean your computer on a regular basis. Keeping it clean will improve how well it runs, as well as keeping your vital information where it belongs, with you!

You must get a good spyware detection program and keep it updated.

There are many tools that will help you clean your computer and choosing the best one is not easy.

Kenth Nasstrom writes about Computers, Operating System, Internet and Security related topics. For more information about Spyware and spyware removers visit the Free Spyware Remover Reviews website.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Spyware Definitions List

Writen by Gary Gresham

The adware and spyware definitions list is very long. But the definitions listed below are the most common ones. This is a glossary of spyware facts and terms so you'll know what these malicious programs are and what they can do to your computer.


Adware components are generally installed along with a shareware or freeware programs you download. The adware developer creates pop up windows that generate advertisement revenue for them. Most adware components are actually installed with consent from the user. This happens because most people never read the end-user license agreement that comes with software.


Spyware is most often installed bundled with freeware or shareware, much like adware. Spyware programs gather and transmit sensitive and personal information about your online behavior to an unknown party. The data is collected without you even knowing it happened. By the time you discover it, the damage is done and the hacker is long gone.

Browser Hijackers

Browser hijackers are innocently installed as helpful browser toolbars. They can alter your browser settings and can change your default home page to point to a site that generates revenue for the hijacker.

Trojan Horse Programs

Trojan horse programs sneak into your system and run without you realizing it similar to spyware. Programmers use these programs for any number of malicious uses and not one of them you would approve of. The good thing is Trojan horse programs do not duplicate themselves.

Tracking cookies

Tracking cookies are files with small amounts of data like passwords and settings. Tracking cookies can provide a benefit to you especially if you revisit the same web sites. But in the wrong hands, cookies are used to track your Internet behavior without your knowledge or consent and provides marketers with private information about you.


Keyloggers are programs that run in the background silently recording all your keystrokes. Once the keystrokes are logged, the hacker uses a remote keyloggers program to retrieve the data later. The hacker can get your passwords, credit card numbers and any personal information on your computer.


The definition of malware is any malicious software or program that will harm your computer. Computer viruses, worms and Trojans are all considered malware, but several other types of programs may also be included under the term.

Password Cracker

A password cracker is simply a program used to decrypt a password or password file. Security administrators use password crackers for legitimate use by using them to improve system security. But the dangers when a hacker gets a program like this is unimaginable.

There are many other spyware definitions including scumware, annoyanceware, parasites and the list continues to grow daily.

Copyright © 2005 Spyware All Rights Reserved.

This article is provided by where you will find free spyware cleaners, downloads, removal software, valuable tips and updated articles about adware and spyware that show you how protect yourself from identity theft. For other informative spyware and identity protection articles go to

Do You Have Something To Hide Heres How

Writen by David Bolton

In these post 9/11 days, intrusion and lack of privacy are often justified by the glib phrase "If you have nothing to hide why worry?" Yet all of us at some time or other have something to hide without being a criminal. What if you're planning a surprise party, buying presents or arranging a secret holiday? Or perhaps you are being very naughty - hiding photos of your girlfriend from your spouse, which if not exactly nice, is not usually a crime.

The best reason of all is for personal security - ID theft is at an all time high and keeping important information secure is not that easy these days. Even if you trust your firewall, anti- spy ware, etc, what if your pc or laptop was stolen? Could you be absolutely sure that no one could read your files, or access your passwords, business accounts, salary files, and new business ideas?

What if you could hide your most cherished information so securely that it couldn't even be detected? Well now you can, thanks to open source and it won't even cost you a cent. All you need is a PC running Windows or Linux and the Truecrypt application.

Truecrypt is a remarkable piece of free software that can be downloaded from It uses the best security methods- algorithms like ES-256, Blowfish, CAST5, Serpent, Triple DES, Twofish, AES-Serpent, and AES-Twofish-Serpent. Even the source code is available to examine or alter. Don't worry if you don't know what these names mean; they are all well established and verified means of encrypting data. You can find out more about them on the Truecrypt website or use Google.

There is a very dodgy practice in security- known as "security through obscurity" that works by not revealing how the secured data is stored. It relies on that secrecy to protect your data. This is snake oil. Many programmers think they can write their own encryption algorithms and sell them but it is actually pretty hard to develop robust and secure algorithms. It's considered far better to use tried and tested methods and keep your passwords secret. That's what Truecrypt does. There is nothing wrong with hiding the files as well but you should not rely on keeping files hidden as your only means of protection.

Truecrypt is excellent at disguising its encrypted files. It doesn't use any special type of file so the presence of a Truecrypt file cannot be easily spotted. It is possible to detect that you have used Truecrypt on a Windows PC by looking in the registry but those registry keys can be found and removed if you are really security conscious and know how to use regedit.

In Windows Explorer if you see a file ending in .txt, it is usually a text file, just as .xls is an excel file, .doc is for word etc. With a file named kernel.sys, you might think it is part of Windows. But it could equally be a Truecrypt file. Examining the bytes in a Truecrypt file with a hex editor will not reveal what the file contains or even identify it as a Truecrypt file. You'll just see random byte values. The whole file is encrypted and only your password can decrypt it. As your password isn't stored anywhere that means if you forget it, the data is irretrievably lost. There is no back door or recovery utility that you can use.

Unusually for software of this complexity, Truecrypt is very easy to use. It can make use of a file, an entire disk or even a USB drive to hold encrypted files. My preference is to use a file, as it's easy to make backup copies.

Each Truecrypt file or drive is actually a "volume", similar to a root folder that holds other files and folders. Each 'volume' has to be prepared once- just enter a password and it is filled with random data in a few minutes. "Volume" files can be pretty small - a few hundred kilobytes or very large- up to gigabytes. The overall size obviously depends on what you want to hold in it but as a general rule, keep it as small as you can- certainly don't make it very big "just in case". Big files stick out like a sore thumb. Certainly avoid using file extensions that are easy to check. You might be tempted to hide a Truecrypt file in a folder full of large spreadsheets. But Excel would not be able to load your file and that might be a clue.

The Windows folder for instance is full of large files such as win32.fts, a 16 megabyte file that is part of the Windows XP help system. Do you know how to use an fts file? I certainly don't. So creating a Truecrypt file with an fts extension in the Windows folder is one place to hide files.

Once a file has been prepared, it just needs mounting to make it usable. Select the file, choose the drive letter it will use and enter your password. One second later you'll have a new drive show up in Windows Explorer. This drive can be reformatted, compressed and used just like a real disk. You can copy your files on to it or work directly on it- it's as fast as a normal disk and just as safe. How do I know? I've used one for over a year and have never lost any data.

Certain countries have laws - the U.K. for instance, that can force you to reveal your passwords to authority if they demand it. If you don't, you may go to jail. However Truecrypt can provide "plausible deniability". You can store a secret volume within a Truecrypt volume using a second password. If the first password is used, only the files in the visible part are revealed and you can claim that you have complied with the law. Unless the secret volume takes up a large amount of space, like finding a hidden room in a house, it will be impossible to detect if a secret volume is present.

Using Truecrypt is of course no excuse to avoid the usual security processes like firewalls and anti-virus. Neglect those and you might end up with a key logger on your PC that would record everything you did including your passwords.

I've used Truecrypt to secure a large list of website usernames and passwords. It has proved to be extremely robust and reliable. If you've got personal data that must be kept private - Truecrypt is one of the best ways to do it. Just don't forget your password!

David Bolton

Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Lie Of Quotdoityourselfquot Accounting Software

Writen by Jennifer A. Thieme

Are you self employed or are you considering it? Do you handle the bookkeeping by yourself? Are you seriously considering buying accounting software? Before you tackle the challenges of bookkeeping, ask yourself the following questions:

  • "What type of business do I have?"
  • "If somebody approached me with a similiar business as mine, would I be willing to do their bookkeeping?"
  • If the answer is, "No, I'm not willing to do their bookkeeping," then ask
  • "Why not?"

Here's my first bet: you don't want to do bookkeeping for another company, even if it is the same type as your own.

Here's my second bet: the reason you don't want to do bookkeeping for another business is because you know you are inadequately trained for the job. What if you made mistakes? How does this sound: incorrect income taxes, incorrect sales taxes, and incorrect employment taxes? Don't forget the potential for penalties and interest on those incorrect taxes, and the time involved to file amended tax returns. And how about the pure embarrassment of going through all that? You shudder at the thought of it.

And yet this is exactly your position if you are not trained thoroughly in accounting principles, yet do your own bookkeeping.

Ask this question: "If I don’t feel comfortable doing bookkeeping for someone else, why am I doing my own?" How wise would you consider a business owner who found a plumber (or a lawyer, or a retailer, or whatever you are) to take care of the books to save some money? How well would that business do? How long would it last?

You've seen it, that popular accounting package in the membership warehouse store. Can you hear it, sitting patiently on the shelf? It whispers, “You need me. You don’t need to know anything about accounting to use me. Just think how much money I'll save you, and how easy I’ll make things.”

Be careful about falling for the “do-it-yourself” seduction. That well-known package doesn’t tell you several important things:

1. Which version? Software packages may list version differences on the back of the box, but you may not clearly understand what these differences mean, or more importantly, their ramifications for your unique business.

2. Getting it right? There no internally established system for double checking your entries, so you have no way to be certain you are doing them right. Even if you get the entries mostly right, ask yourself: is mostly right good enough for my business? Is mostly right the most profitable course of action? Is mostly right an acceptable defense in an IRS audit?

3. Substantial set-up. That box does not clearly state that there is potentially a substantial amount of setting-up that remains after the initial set-up "interview," and that this process involves unfamiliar terminology that isn’t clearly explained. This is especially true for product-based companies.

4. No tech-support. Most readily available packages are packed with terrific features at an incredible price, but something important may be missing: technical support. Be sure to factor this into your decision before buying.

5. Still need an accountant. The software box does not tell you that you still need an accountant. Far too many people, to their business’s detriment, make the assumption that having accounting software eliminates or greatly reduces the need for an accountant.

Ask yourself one final question: "Which does my business deserve: a plumber (or lawyer, or retailer, or whatever you are) taking care of the books, or a competent and caring bookkeeper?" The health and future of your business may depend upon your answer.

About the Author:

Do you have a specific accounting or QuickBooks problem? Would you like to see an article written about it? Jennifer A. Thieme invites you to contact her today with your accounting or QuickBooks article suggestions. Resolving accounting or QuickBooks issues is her specialty.

Email her today to receive a free initial consultation, free QuickBooks software trial, and a free payroll processing quote.

She’s the owner of Solid Rock Accounting Services and has been in the bookkeeping, income tax, and payroll business for nine years. She’s a Certified QuickBooks Pro Advisor, and a Registered Tax Preparer. Her clients receive QuickBooks training, general bookkeeping, income tax, and/or payroll processing services.

Visit today for contact information.

Microsoft Dynamics Crm Customization Or Third Party Product Overview For Consultant

Writen by Andrew Karasev

With version 3.0 MS CRM will be more exposed to end-user tuning, software development, customizations. Microsoft CRM SDK is becoming more sophisticated with post-call-out technology reconsidering, deprecating a lot of 1.2 CRM SDK methods, replacing Crystal Reports Enterprise with MS SQL Server Reporting Services, changing MS CRM Exchange Connector functionality, etc. Microsoft itself has to be very flexible and freed up to change/adjust development standards if required. In such situation end customer should be very knowledgeable and savvy to predict the future, when he needs to deploy custom solutions/modules. In this small article we will consider pros and contras of deploying third parties or just go ahead with customer specific unique customization.

Third Party Product.

• Pros: The cost is normally controllable, because product is already developed and ready to be implemented. Plus it is possible to get references on the reliability of the product from all the kinds of user groups, product reviews, etc. Also – sometimes it is referred as weakness but it might be considered as the plus – if product is developed and supported by the known vendor – you should believe that it will be upgraded and available for future MS CRM releases.

• Contras. The first minus we would like to mention is usually not described in the textbooks – this is the problem when, say product A is purchased by Microsoft itself and inaugurated as from now on 'official' solutions, and if you historically selected product B – coming from the competitor – you are in a problem – you will see you software vendor to be weakened and slowly phasing out alternative product B

Unique Customization.

• Pros. You will have so-called source code, if you negotiate it right with the custom developer or custom development company – then you can transfer version upgrade or product modification to the market leader (who will be giving you better price and quality assurance in the future). Other pluses might be cost saving, due to the fact that you are paying for required functionality only, not for something you will never use.

• Contras. Cost might be crossing the budgeted line, because you might not be able to select reliable software developer (all of them might be in the learning curve, because MS CRM is relatively young product) – this is very strong argument, when you have just purchased the CRM and yet not know the players on the customization market.

Production Environment Challenges. When you are already in production – be sure that MS CRM needs testing, if you introduce custom logic. You should try to isolate custom logic, and test it in the isolated space – again MS CRM doesn't have parallel test company environment – opposite to what you have in ERP system, such as Great Plains/Dynamics GP.

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Andrew Karasev is Chief Technology Officer at Alba Spectrum Technologies ( ) - Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains, Navision, Axapta, MS CRM, Oracle Financials and IBM Lotus Domino Partner, serving corporate customers in the following industries: Aerospace & Defense, Medical & Healthcare, Distribution & Logistics, Hospitality, Banking & Finance, Wholesale & Retail, Chemicals, Oil & Gas, Placement & Recruiting, Advertising & Publishing, Textile, Pharmaceutical, Non-Profit, Beverages, Conglomerates, Apparels, Durables, Manufacturing and having locations in multiple states and internationally.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Lighten Creating Entity Relationship Diagrams By Leaps And Bounds

Writen by Thierry Brochot

If you are a database designer or developer, you may be racking your brains trying to find the most suitable software to help you with your database design-related tasks. There are pretty many tools for designing and modeling database structures available in the market. However, the question is what features and facilities they offer, what the quality is, how easy-to-use (or complicated...) their interface is, how many databases they support and finally what the price and maintenance costs are.

Putting myself in your shoes, I can imagine how tired you can be of evaluating tens of database modeling tools that don't live up to your expectations and if do, their price is not acceptable. (Believe me, I have the same experience...) Let's face it, considering all the aspects mentioned above, the offer suddenly narrows down especially if your budget is tight...

I don't want to make any marketing research or analyze all database modeling tools in the market. I've just wanted to draw your attention to one, quite inconspicuous db modeling tool – CASE Studio 2 (CS2). As a user of this software, I'd like to share my experience on this product with you.

This tool has been designed by Charonware, s.r.o., a software company established in the Czech Republic (member of European Union), and is really worth taking up.

The main CS2 features include particularly: Entity relationship diagrams (ER diagrams), automatic generating of SQL (DDL) scripts, generating of HTML and RTF reports and reverse engineering. CS2 allows users to create ER diagrams for more than thirty databases like Oracle, MySQL, MS SQL, Advantage, Interbase, Informix, Firebird and much more. Also, you can take advantage of the reverse engineering feature and load already existing db structure to CS2 very easily. After ER diagram is created, you are allowed to generate SQL scripts automatically.

Besides these main features, I've come across another great one - the possibility to customize the software as I need. Via the CS2 Templates Editor, you can modify system templates, import new templates that are available for free on Charonware's website, or even create your own templates. CS2 also contains MS Scripting dialog for modifying the scripts.

This way you can customize generation of SQL scripts, modify design and content of HTML and RTF reports etc. This feature makes this product much more flexible and more responsive to each customer's needs and requirements, which I really do appreciate.

Among other helpful features belong: export into XML format, support for text objects like triggers, procedures, views, sequences etc., Data Flow diagrams, Model conversion, Version Manager and more.

Information on CS2 can be found on Charonware's website ( Except the free CS2 trial, there's also a great range of online resources including support documentation, movie tutorials, add-ins, scripts etc.

My friend says: "When you feel like you're working hard but not getting what you need, it's pretty frustrating. I need a software that is stable, allows me to do just what I need, is easy to use and... that I can get at a good price!" - That's it!

Taking into account the CS2 features, functionality and price (Apropos, Charonware provides free updates and free, time-unlimited technical support!), CASE Studio 2 comes out very well!


Thierry Brochot is a freelance consultant of database-related issues with a focus on designing and developing database structures.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Replace Microsoft Word For Free

Writen by Shania Duncan

Most writers use the all powerful Microsoft Word word processing program. Even non-writers use it for everything from school work to manifestos. When my computer crashed and I lost the use of Word on my computer, I felt completely lost. I tried Word's ugly cousin Wordpad and that just didn't cut it. There is so much that Wordpad cannot do. It almost felt like I had went back a couple of decades.

Needless to say I needed another option. Buying another copy of Word was out of the question. I already had a copy that was in route to me. I had recently moved and everything was packed up. It's very easy to see why Bill Gates is one of the, if not the richest man in the world. Microsoft software is far from cheap. There had to be another way and I was determined to find it.

After some research I came up with my word processing savior and solution. There is an alternative to Microsoft Word. And get this; It's FREE! Yeah, you read right. It is completely and totally free to obtain and use. The program is called was designed as a Microsoft Office clone in order to make the migration process easy for people who want to go "free." It includes: a word processor, presentation program, drawing program, HTML editor, and spreadsheet program. All of the programs mirror your familiar Microsoft programs like Powerpoint, Paint, Frontpage and Excel, so it is easy to use from the get go. Writer is a powerful word processor that can handle all types of large documents and lots of different formats, including Microsoft Word. You can add graphics, generate indexes, tables of content, headers and footers, and much more. Writer is more than enough for all your word-processing needs. is available for Windows and GNU/Linux, but the newer version is not available for Mac users. Check out for more information.

Downloading and Installing

1.)Go to and click on the Download tab

2.)Click on the 2.0 Link.

3.)Select the language, operating system, and download site you want to use.

4.)Click Continue to Download

5.)A window should appear asking if you want to save the program to disk or open it.

6.)Choose Save to Disk.

Once you've done this you're ready to write. One of the best things about free software is that it is free! You can't beat that with a stick. To find out more about free software, check out Free Software for Dummies by Mary Leete. Think of all the money you save by using free software rather than its expensive counterpart. I've done the research and now you reap the benefits. Who loves you baby?

Reprint Policy: This article may be reproduced freely in on-line and print publications when the following conditions are met: It must be reproduced in its entirety, with no changes or omissions, including the author information and website. This copyright notice is also to be included either at the beginning or end of the article. Advance permission is not required, but a copy of your publication would be very much appreciated. Please send to

Shania Duncan is an elementary teacher who loves to write. Currently she is working on many writing projects as well as her website. Check back to see what's available.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Email Software

Writen by Kevin Stith

In today's world, working without email is a form of isolation. It means you are missing out on an entire system of communication, and with it a lot of business. Using email software, you can communicate with people from all around the world without spending money on long-distance phone calls or suffering the long wait for regular mail. Rarely does any modern businessman remain unconnected. So if you don't have it already, get online with email software.

You can create and use email lists in-house using your regular email software such as Qualcomm's Eudora, Microsoft Outlook, or Netscape Mail. This is a good choice if your list has no more than a couple of hundred subscribers at most. Using such consumer software products, you can address your email to an individual or to a small group of people. While sending an individual message, you type the recipient's email address in the "To" field, and you might also type a second recipient's address in the "Cc" field.

Another way is to use the address book feature in your email software program. Most web email services, like YahooMail and HotMail, offer address books as part of their free service.

You will find some email list software products and services particularly for managing mailing lists. The two main types are web-based Application Service Provider (ASP) services, and commercial list software for mail servers. These options are useful for lists which have hundreds or thousands of names, with another alternative being eBase software. ASPs like Topica, eGroups, and ListBot from Microsoft offer email list services over the web, usually free of cost.

One more way to set up a list is to install commercial list software on your organization's "server" computer. Some of these products are free, and others have to be bought. Three familiar software packages for handling email lists are: Listserv, Majordomo, and Lyris.

Email Software provides detailed information on Email Software, Email Marketing Software, Bulk Email Software, Email Newsletter Software and more. Email Software is affiliated with Fax Broadcasting Software.

Voice Recognition Software

Writen by Kevin Stith

Speech or voice recognition software allows you to input data into your computer using your voice. Instead of the traditional input devices such as the keyboard and the mouse, you use a microphone or a headset and tell the computer what you wish to do. As you speak, your voice is converted into text by matching it with coded wave files.

Impaired individuals who are not capable of using their hands to type use voice recognition software. Today, the technology is also being used by wide range of professionals including doctors, lawyers and executives. Instead of hiring transcriptionists and secretaries to handle documentation and preparation of reports, they simply o install the software in their computers and do the job themselves effortlessly.

There are different kinds of voice recognition software. They are speaker dependent and independent voice recognition software; command and control voice recognition software; and discrete, continuous and natural speech input voice recognition software.

Speaker-dependent software requires you to undergo comprehensive exercises in order for the computer to make a voice profile that will match your particular speech patterns. On the other hand, speaker independent software can be used upon installation of the program.

Command and control voice recognition systems are those that let you control your computer through voice commands. With this kind of software, you can start programs, open documents or navigate web sites and do other functions by simply talking to your computer.

Discrete speech input voice recognition software require you to pause after each word so that the computer can accurately identify the words you have dictated. Nevertheless, they are capable of achieving more than 60 wpm, similar to an advanced typist's capacity.

Continuous speech input voice recognition software is a real-time voice recognition software that allows you to dictate instructions or commands without pausing in between words. However, this kind of software considers fewer words than other kinds of software. This is developed mostly for various medical specialties.

Lastly, the natural speech input voice recognition software is the software that is capable of recognizing the words that you utter fluently. It can recognize as much as 160 wpm and remembers your voice as you speak the words. While the accuracy of this software is far better than other kinds of voice recognition software, it is not yet absolutely dependable. Other factors such as the speed of the processor, the quality of the microphone and the environment where you are talking are crucial to the accuracy of this software.

Voice Recognition provides detailed information on Voice Recognition, Voice Recognition Software, Free Voice Recognition Software, Voice Recognition Technology and more. Voice Recognition is affiliated with Funny Voice Mail Messages.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Business Of Software Development Not For Nerds Or Techno Geeks

Writen by Sanjay Agrawal

I have seen it happening in almost all the seminars and conferences that I have attended. As businesspersons, we enjoy the opportunity of networking that breaks of coffee and lunch between long sessions and powerpoint presentations provide us. Plates and glasses in hand, small groups form on the floor of the recreation lounge; and light to moderately intense conversations blossom forth. Talk to these groups about anything under the sun: be it planning, be it the latest regulation or ruling on taxes, be it the latest opportunity in some exotic venture, be it the latest rumor about some takeover or acquisition, the participants are brimming with it all, eagerly exchanging notes. But, the moment somebody utters the word "software", you can almost see visions of high-tech computer labs, of nerds and techno-geeks banging their keyboards, of difficult-to-pronounce words and heavy jargon, clouding the visage of most of the listeners around. It is as if there is an invisible barrier that breaks the steps of these otherwise very techno-savvy, and very, very computer-literate people. Taking that one single step, from using somebody's program to run one's business, to developing perhaps an even better program and then selling it and making money, is in reality simple, but psychologically daunting.

Yet, the business of software development is today one of the most exciting domains, with every new day throwing up new models, newer ways of doing things, and newer technologies that keep the broth in the pot stirring. As in any other business, it has its share of stunning successes as well as mega failures. The challenges that an entrepreneur faces in a software venture are the same that any businessperson gets to face in any other venture: competition from new products on the market, market regulations that define how you play the game, customers with fickle loyalties, threats of acquisitions / takeover (in case you are a public holding outfit), ... yes, the terrain is quite similar, alright.

It is the presence of certain uniquely topographical features on this terrain that makes the domain exciting. As entrepreneur and businessperson, you have to simply understand these unique features in order to make your journey both enjoyable and profitable.

Here are a few of the unique aspects about this business. If you are on the crossroads of what business to do next, reading on might just change the course of your life!

- While almost every business on earth deals with goods that are tangible; meaning, they can be seen, touched, and felt, the business of software development deals with an entity that is intangible: ideas. This implies two things: One, that you really do not need lotsa startup capital to launch the venture. Just a standard desktop, a broadband connection, and a good working ambience around you, and you are in business. And, the second point is essentially a corollary of the first: in case you ever want to exit from this domain, the exit pain is minimal (only the emotional tugs at your heart will continue to hurt for some time). If you have entered into legally-binding contracts with your customers or vendors or any other agency in the course of your business, then obviously, extricating yourself from them will need some deft footwork.

- In the business of software, there is a level playing field for all the players. So it does not matter if you are a one-person outfit operating out of your kitchen or a deep-pocket honcho who flies in their own Boeing around the world, with an army of programmers working for you. It is the idea that you are working on, it is the software that you have produced, that matters. If your idea has the potential to change the way the world functions, or if it can do things in an incrementally better, more productive, or saves on costs, then your product takes less time to reach your customers than it takes you to blink! With internet becoming ubiquitous and bandwidth speeds burning optical fibers across continents, information about your product and its unique advantages can reach the far corners of the world within no time. By the time your competition, big and small, scramble to cobble up a solution that mimics your product's functionality or betters it, you would have reaped the benefits of being the first mover; and its impact on your bank account is definitely handsome.

- It was in the domain of software that outsourcing as a model was first devised and implemented. Today, and this is very important, you need not be a software specialist or programmer or coder yourself in order to run a software business. You have the option of hiring people who are experts in the profession on monthly or on project-by-project basis, and that too on the best rates. Since the "goods" that these people produce is in the form of software that can be transferred to you over communication wires (or through wireless ether), they may be sitting half-way around the world for all you care.

- Software is not a use-and-throw consummable like a can of coke or the battery of your watch. People use it, and use it again and again. In fact, the more they use it, the more your product becomes indispensable to them. The "shelf life" of your products is, theoretically at least, infinity. But human beings as they are, you will invariably begin receiving complaints and suggestions about how the product can be improved upon further. This leads you to generate a new avatar of the same product, one that has more bells and whistles than its predecessor. The moral is this: if your customer is satisfied with your product and becomes used to your product, and if you keep them happy with newer versions of the same (at an incremental cost that goes easy on their wallet and also brings food on your table), your customerbase is steady.

I can come up with other aspects that make this line of business unique; but you get the idea. The market is full of how-to books on how to go about setting up a software business and make it a success; a quick browse through the results that Google throws up will lead you to them. I came across one book that was written in 2001. Written by Benjamin Prater, this book's style is typical of American marketing campaigns: lots of hype and lots of hoopla. But if you cut away all hype and hoopla, and dip into the contents, there are a lot of gems that you can take away with you.

Introspect. Turn inward and ask yourself searching questions. It does not matter if you are not a technogeek or a nerd. It does not matter if you cannot understand computer programming. But if you are an entrepreneur at heart, if you have the guts and the perseverance to take on a challenge, you will find plenty of it in the business of developing and selling softwares. You will of course find plenty of money in this business.

All the best!

Sanjay Agrawal is a Business Coach, counsellor and self-development enthusiast. His blog can be found at -, and his company's website at - Benjamin Prater's book may be picked up at -

Clean The Computer Of Spyware Entries With Reliable Software

Writen by A Singh

'Spyware' is a term that refers to a very wide category of malicious software that has been intentionally designed to intercept or take partial control of a computer's operation without the consent of that computer's owner or lawful user. When the term 'Spyware' is taken in a literal sense, it suggests that the software clandestinely monitors the activities of the user operating the computer, however, it has over the years, come to be known as software that hampers the operating systems efficient functioning for the benefit of a third party, usually the person who created the Spyware. By downloading onto a system the Spyware will also make entries in the system registry. While it is imperative to remove the Spyware from the computer it is as imperative to remove all traces from the registry as well. This can be achieved with the help of Adware Spyware removal tool.

How Does It Affect The Computer?

'Spyware' is candid software that downloads itself onto a person's computer and constantly operates in the background and collects personal information of the user. For instance, it will record the entry from the keyboard every time the user enters a username and password or credit card details. The Spyware will monitor and record the information as well as which site the username and password was entered into. It will then mail this information to the host computer that the Spyware came from. In order to do this the Spyware must take over some processor time. It does this by delaying the operation of other programs or applications running on the system. This slows the system down drastically. The system can be revamped with free Adware Spyware removal utilities such as Quake removal Spyware tool.

Are Spyware Removal Utilities Not Enough?

Many Spyware removal utilities do remove the Spyware from the system but many of them cannot delve into the registry and remove all the entries therein. The registry will have to be scrubbed clean with special Spyware removal utility such as Quake removal Spyware utility software. Many of the Spyware entries will be associated with critical system files and so the anti-Spyware program will not delete them from the registry. Only a good Spyware removal utility such as Yahoo Spyware removal tool will scan the registry and detect the broken links and determine it they will hamper the efficient operating of the system if they are removed. If the Yahoo Spyware removal decides that they can be safely removed the entries will be deleted. If the entries are left in the registry they may link up to the site where they came from initially and download the Spyware again. This is why it is imperative to clean the registry with a reliable registry cleaner such as the free Microsoft Spyware Adware removal tool.

Author is admin and technical expert associated with development of computer security and performance enhancing software like Anti Spyware Registry Cleaner, Window Cleaner, Anti Spam Filter etc. More information can be found at To know about the Anti Spyware visit at :

Monday, June 23, 2008

Managing Stress In The Computer Industry Five Steps To A Stressfree Life

Writen by Brian Adamson

It would be easy to think, like most people apparently do, that stress and the computing (and especially programming) industry were unlikely bedfellows. The habitual image of long-haired young "geek" programmers churning out 'software' from their teenage bedrooms is one that many still associate with mainstream programmers. Stereotype or not, this image is still commonly held, and the armies of deadline-bound, overworked and stressed-out programmers in the real World are all but forgotten in the melee that is the result of the technological age.

Stress is widespread within the computer industry, perhaps even endemic. From the assembly-line manufacturers forever looking to increase throughput to the debuggers whose time requirements weren't in the original production schedule, pressure on those who work in the industry is at an all-time high and it is only going to increase as margins drop and further efficiencies are required.

Even getting into the industry can be stressful – like private companies, many educational institutions are now usurping control of the code written on their campuses via "ownership" clauses which leave the originators of ground-breaking code with nothing to show for their efforts. Having something to show at interview is becoming increasingly difficult not just for existing programmers, but for the "new wave" just emerging from colleges and universities with excellent qualifications, but nothing they "own" to demonstrate.

Once the elusive job does come along, things rarely improve. Our "immediate" society is a result of the computer age and effortless sourcing of products and services via the internet. How many programmers have faced the challenge of meeting impossible deadlines with the threat that the next job will go to cheaper labour overseas that can do it in half the time? This leads to longer working hours, less rest, exhaustion, errors and then the cycle starts again - is that really what we expected when we entered the industry? So how can you reduce the stress put upon you by this relentless march of "progress".

First of all, an ounce of prevention is better than a pound (or should that be a ton?) of cure. By ensuring that your contracts are fair and considerate to both sides, you could remove a lot of stress later on. Here are five easy steps to help prevent stress in you next contract:

1. Be Honest

If a deadline is too short – say so. If it seems short now, it will only seem much shorter later.

2. Be Realistic

When you are assessing the requirements of a job, make sure you've got some wiggle-room. Nine times out of ten, you'll need it (or at least appreciate it!)

3. Be Certain

Check your facts, figures, requirements and timings. If you have made an error, you want to find out now, not later when you'll be held to what you quoted.

4. Be Flexible

It helps to have an ace up your sleeve. If things really go wrong, where can you get extra help. Build contingency arrangements with others in your field and help each other out when you need it.

5. Beware

Stress creeps up on you unexpectedly. Do routine reviews against your plan and make sure you're still on course. If not, DO something about it and always, ALWAYS let the client know.

Brian Adamson
Natural Health Information Centre

This article is Copyright 2005 Natural Health Information Centre, but may be freely distributed in its entirety when properly attributed to the source:

The How To Recognize Stress.

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Keeping Track

Writen by Terry Freedman

One of the things we can be as certain of as death and taxes is that in every meeting at least one person will hand out a document for comments and discussion. But think of the huge workload this gives rise to for the author. She can only hope that not too many people respond, or that they don't all do so at once!

But there's another way...

Microsoft Word has a nice feature called tracking. When you go through a document by hand, you cross words out here, insert a line there -- but of course the original document is still visible, no none of the changes is irrevocable.

Word has exactly the same facility:

Go to tools - and now when you delete a word it doesn't disappear, a red line is put through it. By the same token, when you insert a word it appears in green.

Next, place the document in an area where it's accessible to everyone, such as in the global directory in Mulberry place, and ask people to make their comments and alterations there. (save a copy elsewhere, though, in case somebody deletes it!)

An added bonus of using this approach is that when you place the mouse pointer over an amendment, it tells you who made it. That means you can ask them questions about it.

But the best part is that once everyone has put in their two- penn'orth, al you need do is accept or delete each suggestion with a click of the mouse. In fact, you can do all of it with just one click by selecting accept all or reject all.

This feature alone could save you hours and hours.

Terry Freedman has nearly thirty years' experience in education, and nearly 20 years' experience as a writer. A member of the UK's Society of Authors, Terry has had around a dozen books published, and over 800 specialist articles in leading newspapers and magazines. His website provides free access to many of his articles, a free newsletter with more tips like this, and more, or visit his blog.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

A Free Microsoft Office

Writen by John McILwraith

If your budget is limited and you need a full features Office suite, we know of one that has got everything you might conceivably need. The deeper question, is whether anyone will ever need all of these features. It's nice to know that a FREE Office Suite of applications has probably more to it than you will actually need or use. The Office Suite is called Open Office. It is a free open source office suite that is taking on Microsoft Office head to head. It is dubbed the "Microsoft Office Clone" as it will let you read, print, write, edit and save in all the native Microsoft Office formats! Can you imagine?

Some say about Microsoft Office, "who would ever need all that stuff". It may be true that one person could never use everything that is included in today's modern Office Suite applications. What is not common is to get all of them for free! People it seems would be more inclined to pay $399 for Microsoft Office Professional because it does have everything, including all the "stuff" you may never use. Does that really make it worth $399? I don't think so, as does not several thousand of other users and business alike. Even such big business as:

Silicon Graphics Inc. (SGI)
Sun Microsystems
The Australian Phone Company
The U.S. Department of Defense
The entire municipal government for the city of Munich (Germany)

That is nothing to sneeze at. When the big corporate giants start leaving Microsoft Office for an Open Source, Microsoft Office Clone you have got to know that this Office Suite is no Joke. It also begs to be asked why are we paying $399 and for paid upgrade after upgrade? There is no longer any need to do so; it is now only a choice. When I let people know about Open Office people have two reactions, absolute joy or utter disbelief. It is hard to come to grips in today's consumer driven world that there is free solutions out there that meet in some aspects exceed the paid for solutions. For more information simply go to Google and type in OPEN2XL.

There also is the segment of computer users, even small business that have had to resort to using multiple installations of a single copy. Most people just cannot afford to pay all that dough for the tools that they need and honestly see any other way.

Open Office (The Free Microsoft Office Clone) is helping many people and small businesses to be liberated from their (illegal copies) of Microsoft Office. Since The free Microsoft Office clone can read, print, write, edit and save in native Microsoft office formats there is no need to keep illegally copied office suites on computers any longer. It is hard for one to not have Microsoft office when at the time of this writing 90% of word possessing is done on Microsoft Office and one needs it to read, print, write, edit, and save in Microsoft Office formats. Not being able to accept Word Documents or Excel files is tough in deed, especially if you are a small businesses! With Open Office the Free Microsoft Office Clone you do not need Microsoft Office (legal or otherwise) to be able to receive and create Word, Excel, Power Point, and Front Page documents.

What more can I say?

I think I will close this article with this question: Why would you keep on paying hundreds of Dollars for Microsoft Office when you can get a free Microsoft Office Clone?

About The Author

J. McILwraith is an IT professional who has been in the field since 1994. Along with his private corporate consulting he currently distributes Open Office the "Free Microsoft Office Clone" via his web site OPEN2XL ( and )

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Property Management Accounting Software

Writen by Damian Sofsian

Property management accounting software is a computer program that streamlines the accounting process for a property management company. All property works are primarily planned through the application of software. They not only give the virtual image of the whole property, but also the errorless calculations and accounting works, cost factors, management planning and other works.

Although the best property management professionals are hired for the projects, computer software gives a detailed analysis of the plan, including calculations and statistical implications. There is even web-based software to manage and facilitate the handling of properties in terms of accounting. Property management accounting software solutions are helping people across the country in the newest and most innovative ways to perform real estate accounting management tasks more efficiently than ever.

Property management accounting software solutions alleviate many problems that residential property managers face every day. The accounting software has helped many companies get rid of independent property accounting systems, as these software solutions provide comprehensive accounting features within their web-based solution. Nonetheless, the modules of standard accounting software for properties can be summarized in the following ways:

a) Income Module: their basic features are calculating date wise reports of the rent received and due, including the late fees, and format-based tabulation of rental information of properties.

b) Expense Module: their basic features are concerned with the consolidated expenditure property expenses. And lists of expenses based on customized parameters.

c) Reports Module: their basic features are unit turnover, unit profit and unit loss, unit type listing, profit and loss, activity report and others.

Property Management Software provides detailed information on Property Management Software, Real Estate Property Management Software, Rental Property Management Software, Property Management Accounting Software and more. Property Management Software is affiliated with Healthcare PM Software.

Fix Windows Registry Errors

Writen by Kenth Nasstrom

How to avoid the need of fixing your windows registry file.

Prevention is Key!

It is a fact of Windows that trying to fix Registry problems after they occur is much more difficult than preventing their occurrence in the first place. So when it comes to the Windows Registry, the motto should always be "prevention is key!" This is because it is often the most common and abundant types of errors that wind up killing Registries, especially those caused by a system's registered applications, users, and even Windows itself. As new applications are installed and old applications are removed, and as registered applications continue accessing and changing Registry data, they often leave small bits of themselves behind as orphaned registry entries.

By themselves, these errors will probably not reveal themselves in any degradation of speed or normal Windows functions, especially if your system is new. But if these errors are allowed to accumulate for a very long time, they can greatly increase a Registry's size and wreak havoc on the overall structure and stability of its database. And for a fast-growing Registry, even small error accumulations can quickly send your Registry's database structure out of control.

If you don't fix these Windows Registry errors often, your system can very easily fall victim to sudden crashes, system stalls, or a severe decrease in operating speed. It is particularly at risk if you frequently install or uninstall applications and hardware, since these actions increase the Registry's rate of growth further by adding more registered components, orphaned Registry entries, and undeleted drivers to your system.

Registry Repair Utilities

Once you have made the decision to fix Windows Registry errors on your system, you will need to know something about how to go about it. Although some versions of Windows provide built-in background system utilities designed to maintain Registry structure and stability, these utilities only address the most basic Registry problems in the most primitive ways, making them insufficient when a Registry becomes very large and complicated. However, there are many third-party Windows Registry repair utilities available on the Internet that are inexpensive and easy to use.

For general maintenance and prevention purposes, Combination Repair/Cleaning utilities are perfect. They are effective in finding and removing errors caused by invalid references, viruses, and spyware/tracking programs, and usually have other features, like Registry defragmenting and backup/restore utilities and scanning schedules, that make it very easy to maintain your computer's health and optimize its performance.

Visit Windows Registry Repair for a top list of Windows Registry Scan and repair software and More related information.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Java Security Model

Writen by Aaron Schwartz

The Java security model has been criticized by some as being too difficult to use. Others argue that it's fine. Argue that the Java security model is just as complex as it needs to be to solve the problems it addresses.

Introduced in 1995 Java is remaining one of the most popular tools of developers and now. The opportunities it opens for usage are numerous: from web design, to the development of different sorts of applications, easy to use.

It evolved from a simple client side browser plug-in to a complex and wide spread instrument for building web-servers and solving different problems of modern IT world.

Because of it's development and rapid growth of tasks it addresses, the demand in the functionally of Java, also made a demand in it's security capacities. The security of modern Java is more complicated then it had ever been before. Basically it consists of 3 parts: the Java language, Java libraries and web browser.

The Java language is based on the safe system type, which doesn't uses pointers as language data type, that prevents accidental misuse and incorrect work of pointers, and also limits the access to the physical memory, guarantees the compatibility of data types. Java libraries allow more security if they are used correctly, and web browser controls the proper execution of Java code.

The Java security model is realized in the following way: before the execution the byte code downloaded from the network is a subject for immediate verification. The whole process of verification is faster than the process of compilation, and finally bytecode verifier is not that complex program as a full compiler. After it's approved that the byte code is correct it's executed by Java interpreter, which makes it more secure, denying the direct access to the memory: Java application can not be read or written into the memory. If the Java application could have the direct access to the memory of computer, it could get the access to the operation system, breaking the security model.

Because of the popularity and its opportunities the spread and usage of Java on internet is obvious. It's the most portable language, with a big variety of networking features to use. These are the main reasons why it's security is very complex.

But it's well known fact that complicated technologies are more likely to crash and be a result of numerous problems, which are not that likely to happen to simple technologies. So the problems with security system can be the result of unexpected and unsanctioned access to data.

Another problem is the difficulties that have to be overcome by the beginners. Even though that the security model safety of access control it is realized through the text file, which includes the details of permissions to be given to access data. The process of updating permissions is very complex in the way that it has to be done manually, by editing the text file containing permission info. And it's can not be thought about as about a usual task even for professionals.

Along with that Java security model doesn't allow much of dynamic allocating and revocation of permissions. Running an application or applet, it first requests a permission, which is then checked by being contained in the policy text file, by Runtime Environment. That's why if there is no permission in the policy text file for executing the application, the access will be denied. Nowadays Java doesn't have any features that will allow any means to dynamic changes of permission policy. So to be more specific, the user running an application for getting access the data, in the case if application has no permissions for access, would have to follow the procedure of exiting the application, changing the policy text file and only then running the application again.

This critics is generally understood, but the development of information technologies and networking goes too fast for the software programmers to satisfy both speed and flexibility requirements with the requirements of high data security. In this case the restrictions Java puts on accessing data, as well as the restrictions on entrusted Java applications prohibit a lot of information exchange activities. The whole process of security model reduces to minimum the probability of unexpected data access and risk, which is the main problem of modern computer based data exchange, and the means taken to prevent data from attacks, may be thought to be to difficult and uncomfortable for users, but they still remain the most reliable means of data defense. It would be absurd to think that any other security model including Java can ever be totally safe, the danger holes will always take place, but the development of Java will reduce these risks and open more opportunities for Java application.

Aaron is a professional freelance writer at custom essays writing service: Now he is a technical writer, advertising copywriter, & website copywriter for Custom Essay Writing Service.

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Microsoft Great Plains In Construction Amp Building Implementation Amp Customization Highlights

Writen by Andrew Karasev

Microsoft Great Plains could be tuned and setup to fit most of horizontal markets. You can deploy third party modules or build your own custom logic in Great Plains Dexterity. Today we'll look at the options to automate building & construction business. We'll try to use technical language to be understood by programmer, technical consultant, IT system/database administrator, web developer.

• Project-Oriented business. Construction company is project oriented. You incur expenses, labor, inventory against the building and stick to the budget in order to meet the expected profit. Microsoft Great Plains has Project Accounting module with budgeting, expenses, inventory, labor. If you need phases with their budgets – you should probably look for one of the third party project modules, such as WennSoft JobCost. If you are established business with decades of history – you might still be using such legacy (and very efficient in Phasing functionality) Project module as Intellisol Project Accounting – in this case you are looking to convert it to either Great Plains Project Accounting or other current third party module.

• Financing. Builders usually finance the projects. When you do construction project budgeting – you need automatic financing cost estimation. This is MS SQL Server stored procedure, incorporated into Great Plains Dexterity customization for project accounting module.

• Sales. It is natural way to discount the property if potential customer is willing to finance it or pay upfront for the future property. In Great Plains Receivables Management (RM) or Sales Order Processing (SOP) modules – you should have discounting quote/invoice. The discount amount is based on the phase of the construction

• Warranty. Certain percentage should be placed aside for warranty and payment to repair crews or subcontractors. Microsoft Great Plains has Field Service Suite of modules with repair automation logic/functionality. Expect the needs to customize it via Great Plains Dexterity or Great Plains Modifier with VBA

• Customization Technologies. Microsoft Great Plains is build with Great Plains Dexterity – this is former Great Plains Software programming language and IDE, it was designed in the earlier 1990th. Dexterity allows your customization work it Great Plains graphical environment and security realm. VBA/Modifier – it is for light customization of existing Great Plains screens – you can place your custom button through Modifier and then attach VBA script to this button – feel free to use ADO to connect to the database. Web applications – your can deploy eConnect to incorporate Great Plains objects into your web application – eConnect was initially designed for eCommerce developers. Crystal Reports – is reporting tool of choice.

Good luck and you can always seek our help in customization, implementation, integration and support. Call us: 1-866-528-0577 or 1-630-961-5918,

Andrew Karasev is Chief Technology Officer in Alba Spectrum Technologies – USA nationwide Great Plains, Microsoft CRM customization company, serving Chicago, California, Arizona, Texas, Florida, Georgia, New York, Australia, UK, Canada, Continental Europe, Russia and having locations in multiple states and internationally ( ), he is Dexterity, SQL, C#.Net, Crystal Reports and Microsoft CRM SDK

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Game Design Software

Writen by Eddie Tobey

Game design has never been easier than today, where you can create the games of your dreams with game design software. Game Editor is one of the most used game design programs. Little or no programming or technical knowledge is required to use this software.

With game design software, one can design and develop 2D and 3D games, and animated games for personal computers and mobile devices. With Game Editor, there is no need to worry about system issues or compatibility; you only have to come up with ideas for games. With no worry about systems issues, you can create your game with a few clicks, using the game design software to generate an executable file for Windows, Pocket PC/Windows Mobile and Linux. You just have to create your game and then export it to Windows, Pocket PC and Linux. The game looks the same in all platforms.

With the game design software, you manipulate the parts of the game as required. You build a game prototype, which has graphics and sound, with minimal programming. This is because the game design software has a set of predefined actions, where any event fires one or more actions. Once the game is defined with the game design software, you test the game play, and see the game's look and learn the feel before the final game concept. With game design software, you can use your own images, animations, music and sounds in the game product. This is because it supports almost all image and audio formats.

Some of the game design software has no royalty issues. Anyone is allowed to create games with the software, and then sell the games. There are some specific sites that allow you to sell games you make using the game design software created by them.

Game Design provides detailed information on Game Design, Video Game Designs, Game Design And Development, Game Design Software and more. Game Design is affiliated with Kid Board Games.

Supply Chain Management The Backbone Of Service Economy

Writen by Natalie Aranda

The percentage of output from service economy indicates whether a country is a developed country or a developing one. Developed countries often posses healthy and strong service industry. The backbone of many service operations are Supply Chain Management or SCM. If you frequent Wal-Mart and wonder how they can offer quality products at low price, you'll eventually lead to a term "supply chain management". In simpler terms, supply chain management generally makes a business run smoother by cooperation across different functional departments in an extended enterprise environment that includes the company, it's suppliers and distributors. Wal-Mart has been a pioneer in supply chain management.

A supply chain system consists of supply chain management software, hardware to run the systems, planning, execution and o processes etc.. The implementation of supply chain is a major undertaken, however the success execution of supply chain management has the ability to create a sustainable competitive advantage over the competitors. The implementation of supply chain involves with the strategic planning, system analysis, supply chain implementation and supply chain coordination. Generally, SCM software contains features that allow companies to manage inventory, plan production, track sales, handle payments, and see where their shipments are. All of this information also can be used to communicate with other partners. The core of SCM software is inventory or demand forecast developed from the inventory management practice.

The advantages of SCM are enormous - increased coordination between suppliers, distributors and partners, enhanced customer relationship, and reduced cost of operation.

For a company in medical services that distributes medical and surgical supplies to medical practitioners and home health care industry, a supply chain management system will coordinate with the manufacturers of the medical suppliers, the retailers, the logistical department of major hospitals. By keeping tracking of the usage patterns, the supply chain management system will be able to forecast the demand of medical/surgical products by seasons, by regions and by customer types. This will save the inventory cost for the medical service company and major hospitals that order the medical supplies.

For a large retailer like Wal-Mart, it has many regional distribution centers, a supply chain management system will effective coordinate between suppliers of clothes, paper products and Wal-Mart's retail stores to reduce the inventory cost. Wal-Mart is able to pass the saving of inventory cost to customers so it can offer lower prices for many everyday products. The backbone of many service operations are Supply Chain Management or SCM.

Natalie Aranda writes on business and information technology. The backbone of many service operations are Supply Chain Management or SCM. The advantages of SCM are enormous - increased coordination between suppliers, distributors and partners, enhanced customer relationship, and reduced cost of operation. For a company in medical services that distributes medical and surgical supplies to medical practitioners and home health care industry, a supply chain management system will coordinate with the manufacturers of the medical suppliers, the retailers, the logistical department of major hospitals. By keeping tracking of the usage patterns, the supply chain management software will be able to forecast the demand of medical/surgical products by seasons, by regions and by customer types.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

How To Make Money With Adobe Photoshop

Writen by Kevin M. Sugrue

You probably already know that Adobe Photoshop is great for making your digital and online pictures look more professional. But do you know how to make money with photoshop? Learn how to use photoshop to make a profit.

Any photoshop tutorial will tell you how to edit your images, how to add attractive framing and borders, and how

to work with layers and masks to give your images that perfect professional look. What standard tutorials don't tell you is that you can actually use photoshop to generate some personal income. How to make money with photoshop is one of the best-kept secrets that adobe photoshop tutorials won't teach you.

Have you ever heard of a photoshop freelancer? Once you hear about freelancing with photoshop once, you'll start to notice references and resources for photoshop freelancers all over the web. Not mentioned in photoshop tips and tutorials, many photoshop freelancers have learned how to make money with photoshop – and now you can, too.

Graphic design is one of the hottest new trends in the online market. As web site competition heats up, everyone is looking for their own personalized graphics and logos for web pages, and this is how photoshop freelancers make their money. Because there is a huge demand for unique, stylized graphics and logos, adobe photoshop has suddenly become a viable money-making tool for those interested in doing a little freelancing. Logo design is very much in need by corporations and companies looking to personalize their web pages and set themselves apart from other businesses and web sites. Graphics that look great online are very much in need, and photoshop is the perfect tool for create logos that businesses will love.

A photoshop freelancer can find plenty of work on the web, where very few people know the ins and outs of graphic design. Even those who know how to use photoshop often don't know how to use photoshop to its full potential despite the amount of tutorials they may take. Someone who can create unique logos and images using photoshop can find a new career path open to them by using their skills to become a photoshop freelancer. This can be a highly lucrative choice in today's highly modernized world, where so much is happening in the online world. Adobe photoshop is not only great for improving your digital images, but can also open a new door in your freelancing career. Graphic designers, and those who know how to use photoshop well, are always highly in demand.

It's an aspect of using photoshop that tutorials won't teach you, no matter how many adobe photoshop tutorials you may take. But now that you've heard about freelancing with photoshop, you'll find much more information on the Internet than you ever knew existed about this exciting career path. Photoshop, an easy software package to use, can turn anyone into a photoshop freelancer and experienced graphic designer. Though it may not be mentioned in photoshop tips, it is one aspect of adobe photoshop that some freelancers have learned to use to the fullest advantage.

It doesn't end with logo design, either. Photoshop freelancers may be called upon to polish web site images or pictures taken by digital camera. Many businesses

like to post real pictures on their web sites, and the services of a photoshop freelancer can be used to make those pictures look great. The skills of a photoshop freelancer are needed all over the web, and you'll find many opportunities to put your photoshop skills to good use.

Freelancing can be your key to self employment, and you'll find that you can turn a quick profit by doing a little photoshop freelancing. When your skills can be used by many businesses and web sites on the Internet, why not share your knowledge and benefit a little from your photoshop expertise? Working for yourself can be a very enjoyable and financially beneficial experience, and all you need is a working knowledge of adobe photoshop to get your foot in the door of this career path.

You'll find many resources for photoshop freelancers on the web. Everything from adobe photoshop tutorials and tips, to discussion pages, chat rooms, and forums are available to help you perfect your photoshop skills.

This article was written by Kevin M. Sugrue the creator of! Free Photoshop Zone offers free photoshop tutorials and free photoshop articles! To visit our site go to

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Searching For Free Antivirus Software

Writen by George Royal

These are some of the best, completely free antivirus software and add-ons available on the internet for download.

Avast Home Edition: This is a completely free but one of the best antivirus applications available anywhere, which is intended for non-commercial use. You can download and register it on their website ( free of cost. The Avast Home Edition features an On Demand Scanner, On Access Scanner (to protect e-mail clients, instant messengers, etc). It also has P2P protection and a lightweight firewall. The NNTP Scanner can scan all Usenet Newsgroup traffic and all operations with files on PC. It also has a real-time protection feature which is rather powerful. Program and database updates are also incredibly fast.

602LAN Suite ( This secure mail server has an inbuilt antivirus and anti-spam guard. The firewall is meant to control internet sharing and is equipped with NAT and Web content filter proxy. It also features standards based SSL SMTP/POP3 e-mail server that enables encrypted communication, junk mail protection and an integrated fax server. Access to the Web mail client, shared address book, remote administration and user home pages is provided by the integrated Web server. Other features include includes text content based Bayesian spam filter, Web Mail Client with WAP support, network address translation, attachment filter, PureSight proxy content filter, auto-update and ActiveReports.

AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic ( Another one of the few, but great free antivirus software available for download. The AntiVir PersonalEdition is for individual and private use on a single PC-workstation only, which can detect and remove more than 230,000 known viruses. It features a resident Virus Guard which monitors file movements automatically such as downloading of data from the internet. It scans and repairs macro viruses and protects against boot record viruses and master boot record viruses, Trojans, worms, and other malicious activities. You can easily update the database and support is free of charge through the AntiVir Bulletin Board (

AVG Free Edition: The free edition is available to home users for personal and non-commercial use on a single computer. Though it is limited in features compared to its professional counterpart, the AVG Free Edition does include useful features such as Automatic healing, Reliable scanning engine, Scheduled scanning frequency and Scheduled update frequency (both once a day only), Optional automatic update upon Internet detection, and Options to define file name extensions. There is also no technical support available.

Futureca AntiVirus Outlook: This is a special add-on designed specifically for Microsoft Outlook. It scans all incoming and outgoing mail messages for viruses in real time, and immediately alerts the user if it detects one. It is quite useful if you are a regular Outlook user, and the virus definition database can easily be updated over the internet. You can download it from

RAV4ICQ ( This is a free antivirus program intended to be integrated into ICQ, one of the most popular instant messengers in the world. The program checks for and removes several types of viruses, worms, Trojans and other malwares. It is easily configurable and can scan inside archives and take the desired actions for infected/suspicious files, and creates a log file for later reference.

Plan Your Retirement In As Easy As 1 2 3 Using Financial Planning Software

Writen by Henry Clark

Rather than spend your hard earned money hiring a financial planner or consulting with one, there are actually countless software programs that would help you in managing your finances. These programs are efficient tools for planning and making all those important retirement calculations.

One software program is MFC, My Financial Coordinator. It literally serves this purpose. It merges all your income streams into a coherent report therefore making managing your assets so much easier to understand and manage.

This software also helps to determine which of your assets you should sell or hold based on performance. It also details all the financial activities you did for the year and helps you estimate your quarterly tax calculations. Doing so prevents you from incurring those annoying penalties from the IRS.

Other benefits the software program includes are the following:

Monitoring of stop/loss

This software helps in your decision-making on a specific asset prior to it losing its significant value because the stop/loss monitoring function works off the highest value recorded.

Quarterly Federal, State and Local Tax Estimates

The MFC software provides an easy one stop source for determining liability information and accurately reporting it thus ensuring on-time payment.

Confidentiality assured

MFC keeps you in the know as well as preventing others from knowing all your investment information. Details on your assets as well as your financial transactions are secure with you and never leave your sight. Any data transferred over the internet are mere stock symbols and never reveal any number of shares that you may have or any of your personal information.

Everything is served to you

Since assets come from various resources, the MFC software groups them all together on the system. All bonds, stocks, mutual funds, certificates of deposit, checking accounts, money market accounts, salary, income from social security, pension, annuities, proceeds from gambling, royalties, income from business and others.

Reporting of monthly income

This feature in the software enables you to see the level of your income on a monthly as well as an annual basis. This to assist you in managing all your financial as well as expense needs.

Calculations on your performing assets

Updates on your performing assets is provided to you by the MFC software program. This would help you in determining which are your non performing assets or under performers. Doing so would be of great assistance to you especially when the time comes to select which will go first when fund liquidation is called for.

You have the power and control

Absolute power in terms of your finances provides absolute control as well as flexibility as this software program enables you to indicate the Federal, State as well as any local adjustments or deductions in the computation of your gross income and liability in taxes.

About The Author
Henry Clark can show you how to make the most of your retirement years. Visit his website and learn more

Monday, June 16, 2008

Production Planning And Scheduling Software Asap Is Not A Delivery Date

Writen by Kevin Smith

We have a lot of funny ways to describe when jobs must be delivered. Hot jobs, very hot, rush jobs, priority, top priority, must haves. Some delivery dates look like "Oct 22 must have". The most popular term however must be ASAP. How vague is that? It looks like you might be doing the right thing but not necessarily knowing what the right thing is. Seasoned planning pros know you can never be late with an ASAP job!

ASAP - so do you spell it out as A-S-A-P or consider it to be one word like assap. Does it mean make this priority over everything else for the same date or something else? Anybody can say asap. Lets put the accent on the first syllable - that makes you sound really knowledgeable and important - or does it? You can sound very smart and know nothing at all. At the end of the day its mostly a great way of sounding as if you are doing the right thing without knowing what the right thing is!!

Any order that's in a factory production planning and scheduling system without a delivery date we know is a hidden time bomb ready to explode at any moment. Customers are told when they are chasing this type of job that it didn't have a specific date so why are they chasing it - leads to unhappy customers? of course it does and the worst thing of all is that nobody wins at this game. When a customer calls and says "where is my job" if its an ASAP job then the scheduler says "it didn't have a date mate" and this leads to customer dissatisfaction.

Delivery on time is a very serious business.

Every job is required at a specific time...... The board of directors must have their reports. A mining company must have a wheel bearing for a hundred tonne truck refurbished on time. The warehouse must have stock replenishment for plumbing fittings so it can service its customers. Our CEO takes off at 10 am and needs the paperwork on time. Will we miss the truck that takes our product to the port for a specific containerised shipment. Will we miss the courier that was told to get here at a specific time.

We can get really specific with deliveries from the date required to both the time and date required. So as you can see in these examples we are precise, but lets get really accurate and get down to partial deliveries - and the management of partial quantities, stock draw offs and times and dates.

Every job on the planning white board in the production planning system needs a delivery date.

Customers have their businesses to plan that may hinge upon our products and services. Non performance in this area can have a chain reaction and cost downstream businesses serious cash. A large proportion of customers who change suppliers cite poor delivery performance as their reason for doing so. Many companies do not have adequate planning and scheduling systems, whiteboards or software. They do not know what the capacity of their plant is and instruct their sales people to get every order they can. Sales accept every request for delivery date the customers wants. This gives the production staff no choice but to accept and under management pressure try to keep everyone satisfied.

You cannot get "a quart in to a pint pot" so somewhere upon the line something breaks.

A culture of "so what" develops as production staff know they can never succeed as long as management makes promises they can't deliver upon. Worse than this is that the management tells the sales force to get every job they can and for production to manufacture every job they get from sales.

The Business Case

Scheduling solutions whether manual planning boards or sophisticated software provide the tools to manufacturing planning professionals to get the job done. The factory has its capacity quantified and customers are given accurate delivery dates. Scheduling solutions empower factory staff to achieve on the basis of knowledge and are not given unrealistic targets.

However the business case is always based on an overall view of the enterprise and if communication between departments or computer systems is not working effectively then the business case just will not stack up.

Justification of the implementation of a comprehensive scheduling tool can be in the Customer Service area alone.

Visibility is given to customer service and sales but with manufacturing feeding back accurate information that can be made visible across the whole enterprise. Money can be made, money can be saved, investments in factory assets can be made and modeled on the back of accurate information from the scheduling tools available.

So this is the business case - operational success in implementing these systems in the manufacturing area leads to broad benefits across the whole enterprise leading to customer satisfaction and and most importantly customer retention.

Keyvak provides a fantastic software tool for those of you not yet geared up for an Advanced Scheduling Software system with the immense resource required from your business for successful implementation. Take a look at a product like The Planner, essentially an out-of-the-box scheduler thats easy and fast to install and use. It has the look and feel of an electronic whiteboard so fits in to the culture of your business fast.

Keyvak Pty Ltd 1st August 2006

Nature Screensavers Download Free To Enjoy Nature

Writen by CD Mohatta

Are you a nature lover? Who is not? All of us love nature, because it makes us feel so peaceful. When we go to natural surrounding, we feel that we have gone to our roots. That is very true, because our ancestors lived with nature and we are the inheritors of that love.

Don't you miss nature during your daily city life? These concrete jungles have no love in them. Don't you miss the innocent love of nature? Now you can find that with nature screensavers. What if I show you nature screensavers with lovely video shots of Beaches, Clouds, Countryside, Deserts, Flowers, Lakes & Seas, Landscapes, Mountains, Panoramas, Plants & Trees, Rivers & Streams, Sunsets and waterfalls? How about getting them on your computer screens, looking alive? Would you not love that?

You can now download Nature Screensavers free on your desktop. There are more than three hundred designs in the above subjects for you to choose from. All the nature screensavers come with lovely music. Some of these Nature Screensavers have inspiring text. Some others have romantic text. You will love all of them. As they are free and lightweight files, you can download many and keep the best for your enjoyment and relaxation.

Whenever you feel tired, tense and stressed, click on a screensaver and watch it play on your screen. Watch the swinging palm trees, the lovely trees and the pure water of rivers and streams. Take your pick and enjoy. You deserve this luxury.

C.D. Mohatta writes for screensavers and wallpapers. Download nature screensavers to view the beauty of Gods creations. The author also writes fun quizzes and tests and love, dating, & marriage articles.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Where Can I Download Linux

Writen by Bob Rankin

I hear people saying that Microsoft is evil, and I should switch to Linux. What is Linux, who should use it, and where can I download Linux for free?

Linux is a complete version of the Unix operating system (software that controls the basic functions of the personal computer) and it runs on ordinary personal computers. The added fact that it's freely available and "open source" makes it all the more attractive.

Linux is perfect for people who want to operate their own low-cost Internet servers, and it's robust enough to satisfy the needs of many Internet service providers. Linux is a multiuser and multitasking environment, and it can access huge amounts of memory (gigabytes) and huge amounts of disk storage space (terabytes). Linux offers virtually everything that Windows has been promising for years and may not deliver in a truly stable form for some time to come.

Don't make the mistake of assuming that Linux is some kind of watered-down or underpowered Unix for the masses. Linux is Unix. POSIX certification (compliance with the industry standards for Unix) makes it official that Linux can do everything that a Unix system is supposed to do.

Linux is also being taken very seriously by the computer industry, with new Linux-compatible versions of popular software packages being announced every month. The Apache Web server software running on Linux platforms powers about half of all Web sites today. Even more telling, Microsoft considers Linux a major threat to its Windows empire.

What Is Linux?

In the early 90s, a geek named Linus Torvalds at the University of Helsinki in Finland thought it would be fun to write a Unix kernel from scratch. He called it Linux, and it was cool but pretty much useless without all the utility programs needed to make it a complete operating system. At the same time, Richard Stallman and his pals at the Free Software Foundation were writing a bunch of freeware Unix utilities collectively known as the GNU Project. It was cool but pretty much useless without a kernel to make it a complete operating system. Fortunately, the two parties decided to collaborate.

News of Linux spread quickly over the Internet, and many other Unix programmers joined the effort to enhance it. What we now know as Linux is a combination of Torvald's Linux kernel, the GNU Project software, and some other nifty software bit and pieces developed by programmers from all around the world.

Today Linux is a complete and reliable implementation of the Unix operating system, with the following notable features:

* 32-bit operation (it uses all the speed and power of your CPU, unlike 16-bit DOS systems)

* Virtual memory (it can use all of your system's RAM; there's no 640K memory limit)

* Full support for X Windows (Unix's standard graphical user interface)

* TCP/IP networking support (allowing connection to the Internet)

* GNU software support (including a huge amount of free Unix software from the GNU Project)

Note: GNU is one of those recursive acronyms that computer scientists love; it stands for GNU's Not Unix. The GNU Project is an effort sponsored by the Free Software Foundation to provide freely available Unix software. See for related information.

Linux was written totally from scratch without using any of the original AT&T UNIX code. (Throughout this site, UNIX refers to the original trademarked UNIX project invented by AT&T. The term Unix is used here as a generic term for other variants of the operating system.)

Because of that (and because the author is a nice guy), Linux is free. You can obtain the source code, modify, sell or give away the software so long as you provide full source code and don't impose any restrictions on what others do with it. Here's a site with good information about where to buy or download Linux:

BOB RANKIN... is a tech writer and computer programmer who enjoys exploring the Internet and sharing the fruit of his experience with others. His work has appeared in ComputerWorld, NetGuide, and NY Newsday. Bob is publisher of the Internet TOURBUS newsletter, author of several computer books, and creator of the website. Visit Bob Rankin's website for more helpful articles and free tech support.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Windows Xp Use The Security Center To View Virus Protection

Writen by John Chapman

The Windows XP Security Center is not a well-known feature of the operating system. The security center was introduced as part of the Service Pack 2 release. Some people like it and some people don't like it at all. If you don't have the service pack 2 already installed, you need to do that now by updating your Windows XP. You can do this using the update feature of XP or simply go to the Microsoft website and search for SP2.

To access the Security Center, you go to the Start button, All Programs, Accessories, then System Tools. Click on the Security Center and it will bring up a window with the current system status. To view the Virus Protection recommendations, click the Recommendations button under this option. You will see the recommendations based on your current system.

You can get information on how antivirus programs work as well as information on different types of viruses by clicking on How Does Antivirus Software Protect My System help topic link in the Windows Security Center.

How to Disable Security Center Alerts

If you're running Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) Windows Security Center will tell you the status of your antivirus software, firewall, and automatic updates. The Security Center will alert you if your antivirus is out of date or turned off, firewall is turned off, or if Automatic Update is not turned on.

If you have received multiple alerts and would like to turn notifications off, you can disable the antivirus, firewall, or automatic update alerts.

Turning off these alerts could be dangerous because you won't know if your system is vulnerable. But if you are an experienced user, then you most likely have a strategy and tactic for checking your system.

To turn off Security Center alerts

1. Click Start and then click Control Panel.

2. Double-click Security Center.

3. In the Security Center, under Resources, click Change the way Security Center alerts me.

4. In the Alert Settings dialog box, clear the Firewall, Automatic Updates, or Virus Protection check boxes, and then click OK.

The Windows XP Security Center can be a real advantage to some users and keep your system protected, but for others in gets in the way. You make the call.

Here is a link to the Microsoft site if you need more information--

About The Author
John Chapman is certified computer technician with over 15 years experience. Please visit for more information on computer hardware and software. Copyright 2005