Civilizations have always tried to hide secrets from their enemies, allies and even trading partners so they could advance their political will, wealth or power over another, a peoples or an entire world. This should not be all that surprising to people at all. There are numerous examples of this and even to this day we see it in industry, first world nations and with world power brokers, spies, arms dealers, dictators and capitalists. And the hiding of secrets is so pervasive that nations have spies to uncover the truth often hidden in misdirection, deep underground bases and some out in the open to blatant that no one believes it.
Today nations like ours spend huge amounts of time and dollars hiding information using all sorts of tricky little tactics, most are well known. What are some of the ways to hide information, communication and knowledge from others to maintain control. After all knowledge is power and if you control the knowledge well you have all the power. Hiding information in symbols is an interesting idea and it is the same whether it is a book, ancient text or some other fashion if you are hiding it from those who cannot read the language or understand all the symbols you see?
Remember the Twilight Zone "To serve man?" Right now with encryption we hide things in symbols representing numbers; these symbols representing the human world's definition of units or virtual units of a thing, many things or no thing. Certainly one can hide information in pictures like da Vinci or .pdf (Russian Spies). In recent past periods words like Nursery Rhymes told stories and gave information but it was hidden from the King and sung in the open all in the disguise of children's stories. We too hide computer data in numbers. Previously we had for decades hidden secret communications and data which used de-coder and decipher readable machines during the cold war. Now we use 64-bit or 132 bit encryption for pass words and data. In the future quantum computing will blow that out. Or in shapes too:,-What-Comes-Next?&id=114966
Shapes and numbers or in light, you can hide information in light, atomic spin, frequency or patterns.
Indeed the best place to hide is in broad daylight, as the saying goes. "Trojan Horse Theory of course." A lot can be hidden by simplicity and by generally applying Occam's Razor and allowing your hidden message to be somewhat over glossed and with an alternate answer, which is more readily detectable, thus no one suspects a 13 move chess strategy to get you to your end goal, when there are obvious and normal explanations?
Hiding something in a virtual dimension of a quantum space is not so difficult and no one will find it unless you train your mind to see thru the clutter. And there are ways to do this and with proper training and education this can be overcome, so there is no information, which can ever be hidden, although some humans will not be ready for that, it is still better to move forward and train the human mind to see beyond. Recognizing patterns quickly can help the human mind to decipher codes and or create them, even build algorithms to detect them quickly. Think on the truth, which is hidden from view.
Lance Winslow
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