Saturday, January 31, 2009

Microsoft Dexterity Customizations Large Scale Projects

Writen by Andrew Karasev

When we are talking about large scale integration and customization projects, when Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics GP business logic is "improved" by custom software development without compromising the initial modules reliability and upgradeability – such business logic design requires initial architecture design, functional and technical logic expertise, selection of the proper tools. In this article we would like to give you some highlights:

• Posting Logic challenge. It is probably relatively easy to place records into so called working tables in GP: SOP10100, SOP10200 are the most popular, when we deal with eCommerce. Also developer had such tools as eConnect ready to do this job. However the real challenge is to make posting logic work – try to post Sales Order Processing invoice with eConnect. Yes, here you need to go beyond the simple things and at the same time do not try to rewrite several GP modules, participating in posting process – imagine what will happen with version upgrade – your posting imitation will required redesign from scratch? This task is for experienced Dexterity developer, familiar with GP Dexterity source code programming techniques.

• Upgradeability. The best results could be achieved if you make portions of GP logic work for you, in this case future upgraded logic will be utilized with minimal revision. In the case of posting deployment – you need the conception of GP posting server, which will be called every time when you have ready to be posted batch in line

• Integrations. In the past we were recommending SQL stored procedures, today development should rely more on eConnect and its XML web services interface, which should be supplemented with posting server if business logic requires automatic posting. Both approaches XML Web Service and SQL Stored Procedure allow you to cross platform boundary – and integrate Oracle, SQP, Siebel, IBM Lotus Notes Domino, DB2 with MS SQL Server based Microsoft Dynamics GP Great Plains

Please, do not hesitate to call us: 1-866-528-0577,, skype: albaspectrum

Andrew Karasev, Alba Spectrum Group ( is Microsoft Dynamics partner serving clients in US Nation-wide: Illinois, Texas, California, Arizona, Georgia, Florida, Minnesota, Colorado, New York, Virginia, Iowa, Indiana, Nebraska, Washington, New Mexico, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio. We also have clients with GP customization in Asia, Europe, Latin America and Brazil. We are serving you from two regional facilities: Houston and Chicago.

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