Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Corba Made Simple

Writen by Asif Khan R

The most important part of knowing CORBA is, you should know the full form of CORBA, that is Common Object Request Broker Architecture. You dont even have to necessarily understand this full form, if you are only planning to see where it fits in a software solution.

To understand CORBA, let us start with our simple program. Remember the functions which we would have used in our first C program. One such function that every one is familiar is part of the famous "Hello World" Program. The function we used was the 'printf' function which takes in a "Hello World" as parameter and does some task of outputting it on to a console.

printf("Hello World");

The signature of this function as defined in one of the headers would be

void printf(char* p_strOutput);

Now assume that we want to output this "Hello World" onto another machines console instead of your own machine. Let us see one way to do this.

We could use some sort of mechanisms like RPC(Remote Procedure Call). That is we make this function/procedure a remote procedure, that can be invoked remotely. We will prefix it with RPC and call this function

void RPC_printf(char* p_strOutputFromRemoteMachine);

Now basically we have defined this function and will henceforth call this as an interface. Once we have defined this interface, we need to implement this interface so that it prints onto the console what ever is passed on to the 'p_strOutputFromRemoteMachine' parameter. We can as well assume that the implementation of this 'RPC_printf' functions is the same as the one used by the normal printf function. Now one question that would come up in mind is. We have jsut copied the same implementation of the function 'printf' and renamed it by giving a prefix 'RPC_'. How will this work remotely? Once we answer this question, we can as well understand what is RPC, and can then go ahead to understand what is CORBA in its basic structure.

First and foremost, the C function printf cannot be accessed across the process or across the machine boundary. Both of the caller, that is our Hello World program and the implementation of the printf function has to be on the same machine and within the same process. But our interface RPC_printf can be accessed across processes and machine boundaries. How do we do that? Once we have created the interface RPC_printf. we now generate some helper methods that will help us put this to the outside world. We could use some tool to generate what is known as the stub/skeleton in CORBA terminology. The stub is what is used on the client side. On the client side, the client will make a call RPC_printf and to the user of this method on the client, it will just be that he has made a call similiar to the printf statement. But since it is a stub onto which the call is made, the stub will take care of passing the information to the relevant skeleton on the other process which can possibly lie on the other machine. The task of identifying and sending it to the remote server machine is done by the stub on the client side.

Now the information has gone to the server side or the server skeleton. It is the reponsbility of the server skeleton to do the task that is required of the function RPC_printf and return back. The skeleton of the server side now delegates it to our implementation of RPC_printf, which can be just the copy of the implementation of the normal printf fucntion. Once this function is completed, the skeleton on the server side will pass information back to the client stub to indicate that he has completed the task sucessfully.

If we have understood the above scenario, then we have already understood RPC. But RPC has some limitations. Let us examine them. Most of the RPC will always work only on the same platforms and with the same set of language interfaces. The C style RPC on solaris will not necessarily work with the C style RPC on windows. Moreover, it could also be tied to a specific language and also a specific network protocols. We cannot call this C style interface from Java(It will give us compiler errors in the first step itself). CORBA indeed solves these 3 problems of platform, operating and network dependencies for a RPC mechanism.

Let us examine how the problems are solved by CORBA. To solve language independence, the interface RPC_printf now renamed as 'CORBA_printf' will use its own proprietary language which is defined by the IDL constructs. Using IDL constructs we can construct a CORBA IDL interface. The CORBA IDL constructs defines a type called string. This type can be mapped to char* of a C function or string class of a Java function. And lo, we have solved the problem of language dependency. Now who does this mapping from IDL to a specific language? This is done by the IDL compiler. For each of the language where we want to use CORBA, we will have to use the IDL compiler to generate equivalent interfaces for our language. Now the language problem is solved. What about the platform and network dependency? CORBA solves this, by using specific protocols which have to be implemented by some body called an ORB vendor. CORBA defines something called, as an IIOP which works on TCP/IP. Since this is available with all the Opearting System, we have in effect solved the Operating System and Network dependency. With this CORBA has solved all our problems of language/platform/network dependency. Now what we typically come across as ORB is nothing, but a service or program which does all this stuff for us.

Two other RPC mechanisms, that should be mentioned is COM/DCOM and RMI. As we saw earlier, there are some limitations. COM/DCOM is popular among the windows programmers. But the main problem with this is, this cannot be used with Unix like machines. With Java as a platform independent solution, we can solve this problem of being dependent on Operating System platform by using RMI(Remote Method Invocation). But it fails to solve the problem related to different language. All RMI calls have to be made and written in Java only. This may not be a problem for fresh developement. But if we have legacy systems, we cannot overwrite everything from scratch and move all our huge code base, say for example from 'C' language to 'Java' language. The following table shows this.

'Mechanism'     'Language'      'Operating System'  'COM/DCOM'      'Yes'           'No'  'RMI'           'No'            'Yes'  'CORBA'         'Yes'           'Yes'

Now we can write our function in any language, publish its equivalent IDL, implement the IDL interface. Once this is done, then we can have this function being invoked by any langauge, across any Operating System.

i.e Our 'CORBA_printf' can now be written in C language and implemented on solaris Operating System and then we can have this method being called by a Java client from a windows Operating System.

Asif Khan R
A developer with 6 years of experience with different distributed technologies.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Large File Transfers

Writen by Alison Cole

One limitation of using e-mail to transfer files is that the amount of data that can be transferred is limited. The largest amount of data that can be transferred through e-mail ranges from ten to twenty-five megabytes. However, there are instances where larger data, which can reach up to two gigabytes, needs to be transferred. A way to remedy this is to use the File Transfer Protocol to transfer files of this size.

To facilitate such a large transfer of data, software has been developed. This individual who is receiving the transfer does not need to have the software. All you need is to go through the usual process of transferring files as soon as you have installed the added software for large file transfers. However, it is not possible to send large amounts of data to multiple recipients; this is a security measure designed to prevent spammers from using such software to send large amounts of junk mail to people.

To ensure the quality of the data being transferred, the software that is installed usually provides two quality checks to ensure that the data is intact and is not corrupted. The first check involves the TCP/IP transferring the file across the Internet into small pieces called packets, which are subsequently reassembled into the original file on your recipient's desktop computer. This process also has a built-in checking mechanism that ensures that the packets that have been sent are identical to the original file. After this, the TCP/IP then ensures that the same amount of data has been transferred and received. These quality checks ensure that the file transferred or received is exactly the same as the file that you have just sent.

With the problem of large data transfers and securing such transfers slowly being overcome, the transfer of large amounts of data in the near future can be expected to be more reliable, secure, effective, and cost-efficient.

File Transfer provides detailed information on File Transfer, File Transfer Protocols, Secure File Transfers, Large File Transfers and more. File Transfer is affiliated with File Sharing Programs.

Microsoft Excel

Writen by Michael Colucci

Microsoft Excel is a popular spreadsheet program that was developed by Microsoft. It is designed for computers that use the Windows operating system, and it can also be used on computers that use Mac OS as well. It has an easy to use interface with a number of tools that can make creating a spreadsheet fast and simple. This combined with a powerful marketing campaign has made Excel one of the most popular software programs in the world. Excel is typically bundled in the Microsoft Office package of programs.

Excel is not the first spreadsheet program to be produced by Microsoft. A spreadsheet program called Multiplan was first released by the company in 1982, but it eventually lost market share due to the release of Lotus 1-2-3. Because of this, Microsoft decided to create a spreadsheet program that could effectively compete against the dominance of Lotus. The very first version of Excel was introduced in 1985, and was available on the Mac. The first version for Windows would be released two years later. Because Lotus didn't bring their spreadsheet program to Windows quickly enough, Excel begin to gain a larger share of the market. By 1988 Excel had surpassed 1-2-3, and it is one of the factors behind the success of Microsoft as a software company.

The latest version of the software is Excel 11, and it is part of the Microsoft Office 2003 bundle. An Excel file will come in the form of .xls. A number of changes can be made to the interface of the program, but the GUI will always be composed of rows and cells. Information can be placed in cells which will have an effect on the data that may be present in other cells. In addition to this, Excel gives the user a large amount of control over the look of cells and the information that is placed in them. Both Microsoft Word and PowerPoint were designed to conform to Excel.

The introduction of Visual Basic with Excel allowed a number of tasks to be automated. Since 1993, Visual Basic has become an integral part of Excel, along with the introduction of the integrated development environment. However, the automated properties of Excel with Visual Basic has caused a number of macro viruses to be created, though many of them are now blocked by standard antivirus programs. Microsoft also allows users to disable the use of macros if they choose to, and this has largely eliminated the problem.

While Microsoft Excel was not well known during the late 1980s, it has now become the most widely spreadsheet software, though it is facing competition from a number of companies, most notably Google. Despite this, Microsoft has made a name for itself with the release of Excel, and next to Windows, it is one of the most well known software packages in the world. It has excellent calculation tools, and it can effectively be used for graphing as well. However, the software wouldn't have the dominance that it has today if it hadn't been for Multiplan, the predecessor that started it all.

Michael Colucci is a writer for Microsoft Excel which is part of the Knowledge Search network

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Free Small Business Accounting Software

Writen by Elizabeth Morgan

Free small business accounting software primarily focuses on assets. Assets may be described as valuable resources owned by a business, which were acquired at a measurable money cost. As an economic resource, they satisfy three requirements. In the first place, the resource must be valuable. A resource is valuable if it is cash/ convertible into cash; or it can provide future benefits to the operations of the firm. Secondly, the resource must be owned. Mere possession or control of a resource would not constitute an asset; it must be owned in the legal sense of the term. Finally, the resource must be acquired at a measurable money cost. In cases in which an asset is not acquired for cash or a promise to pay cash, the question is what it would have cost had cash been paid for it.

The assets in the balance sheet are listed either in order of liquidity- promptness with which they are expected to be converted into cash- or in reverse order, that is, fixity or listing of the least liquid (fixed) first followed by others. All assets are grouped into categories; that is, assets with similar characteristics are put in one category. The assets included in one category are different from those in other categories. The standard classification of assets divides them into fixed assets, current assets, investments and other assets.

Fixed assets are fixed in the sense that they are acquired to be retained in business on a long-term basis to produce goods and services are not for resale. In contrast to fixed assets, current assets are short-term in nature. They refer to assets/resources, which are either held in the form of cash or are expected to be realized in cash within the accounting period or the normal operating cycle of the business. Investments represent investment of funds in the securities of another company.

Business Accounting Software provides detailed information on Business Accounting Software, Best Business Accounting Software, Free Small Business Accounting Software, Small Business Accounting Software Reviews and more. Business Accounting Software is affiliated with Small Business Accounting Software.

Review Goodsync Software Ideal For Usb And Other Device Synchronization

Writen by G Mo

Synchronization software sounds like a utility which seems valuable and worth-while, but many software packages fail on execution because the user interface isn't logical or you get conflict errors with the device. So, to compile features which are intuitive enough to use without difficulty, yet perform the task of synchronizing files and folders would be a dream, and GoodSync accomplished this task. The utility is easy to understand, loads of information at your finger-tips and a logical flow to using the software.

Our tests where focused on USB mass storage devices like flash drives and MP3 players and how they sync with a host computer. Installation of GoodSync is a snap, a quick download (2MBs), short install and your ready to synchronize. GoodSync has default help balloons which guild you through the sync set-up for a "job" with pointing you towards the source location, then directing you towards the destination location for the sync process.

What we like most about the GoodSync software is the information provided before, during and after a sync process takes place. This provides a clear understanding of what is about to happen and if there is trouble, GoodSync records all data changed in their embedded database for post-sync access (just in case). A hot button, "Analyze" can be used before a sync takes place to list the differences between one source and another. GoodSync provides an easy, graphical tool, to command the utility on what to-do with missing files, replacing files and priority "source" files. In addition, you can propagate deletions or propagate modifications in either sync direction or bi-directional. Another clear feature of GoodSync is the summary layout which provides a high-level view of new files, unchanged files and all files that where either analyzed or synchronized. The high-level view can be drilled down for more detailed information. During several sync tests, the CPU was just under 20% usage so it was easy to perform the sync process while listening to music, checking email and surfing the web. Of course, what would a utility be without a log and GoodSync provides a detailed log (optional setting) one what transpired during the sync process.

The utility allows synchronizing over a network and uses a proprietary algorithm so it doesn't rely on file system accuracy or network stability during the sync process, thus insuring no data loss between sources. GoodSync has several powerful features which we even had a hard time understanding the application, but it's there. GoodSync can be used to analyze changed information every 'x' minutes and sync or can instantly sync when flagged files or folders record a change. In addition, one can use the Windows scheduling tool to start sync or back-up jobs (one way sync). Since the personal version of the software is free we did a spam scan on the software and found no spyware, adware or malware. A PRO version is available for corporate, business and government use. It appears the PRO version is the same with the added feature of performing multiple jobs at the same time. Cost is under $20.

Finally, the options and preferences set-up window provides an excellent overview of what features will do and when or how they are used. If every software package was this detailed, thorough and well written as GoodSync, life would be much easier for most. In conclusion, GetUSB.info believes this is an excellent product and should be apart of anyone who uses multiple devices and requires sync software to keep up-to-date. We honestly tried to find issues, but couldn't - and thus give it one BIG thumbs-up.

Review by: GMo
April 12, 2006
GetUSB.info is a USB News and Information website
permalink w/ images: http://getusb.info/?p=142

Gmo runs the GetUSB.info website which is a USB News and information website focused on USB products, USB gadgets and developments using the USB (Universal Serial Bus) technology.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Medical Billing Solving The Problems Part I Coding Errors

Writen by Lori A Anderson

Medical billing in the United States is fraught with many challenges and problems. The primary goal of medical billing is to receive fair compensation for the work that was performed in a timely manner. However, this is rarely the case. This series will explain those challenges and suggest possible solutions to these problems.

Coding Errors

A large percentage of denied claims are due to simple coding errors. Insurance companies process claims through huge computer systems designed to make sure every piece of information is correct. It is in the insurance company's best interest to deny a claim and force a resubmission for payment. This helps their cash flow and significantly impacts yours.

One study estimates that 90 percent of all claim denials are preventable. Healthcare Informatics website states that, "Of 15 billion U.S. healthcare claims, 25 percent to 40 percent are rejected or denied at some stages in the administrative process. Only half of those are followed up and resubmitted." Newer medical billing systems can drastically help solve this type of problem.

Potential Solutions

Some electronic medical billing systems will now employ sophisticated Rules Engines that will check your claim before it is sent. Examples of some of the messages that you could see are:

  • Diagnosis Code Requires Onset Date
  • CPT: G0001 is invalid for the specified insurance company
  • Procedure Requires Referring Physician UPIN

These types of checks and hundreds more, can ensure that the most common errors will be caught before a claim is sent to the insurance company for payment. Reducing the amount of denials helps your practice in two ways. First, cash flow is increased due to faster payments. Second, the time required to look at a denied claim, research the problem, correct it, and resubmit it can be 5 times as long as the original submission time.

To ensure a smooth running billing operation by reducing the number of coding errors, insist on a claim scrubbing rules engine in your practice management system. Bottom line, clean claims get paid faster.

Lori Anderson is an independent consultant with LAtech working with AntekHealthware on their DAQbilling Medical Billing Software and LabDAQ Laboratory Information System projects.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Link Directory Software

Writen by Henry James

Link directory is the place on the internet where various web players maintain their links for free to exchange links or trade purposes. In fact it is an easy and effective way for the link seeking websites to sight their links. The internet has thousands of web sites where you can submit a link. But you have to meet certain standards to submit your links to these web sites. Link directory software is the right tool for you to create an impressive link directory. And an impressive link directory is the gateway to the top rankings from the major search engines.

The link directory software sets up the link directory for you on a web server. The quality of your link directory depends on the software used by you for the installation process. You will find a number of software in the market place. Software is considered to be good or bad by the scripting language it has. The whole software functions and features on the software script.

The link directory software built in PHP script is considered as the best in the field. You can get the PHP script software from any of the software stores in your vicinity. The most striking feature of the PHP script link directory software is that it can be set up on all the operating systems. The operating systems can be Windows operating system, Linux or even UNIX. According to a recent survey by an IT journal in the US, most of the website owners use a Windows operating system to set up a link directory.

The link directory software enables you to choose a great template for your link directory. The software can make your link directory interesting and attractive. You can choose from a number of colors to set the back ground colors of the template. You are capable of changing the colors of the text as well. Different categories of links can also be assigned different colors. This makes your link directory interesting to the visitors. It also gets quite easier for the visitors to locate and select the links, differentiated via colors.

A few software support you with endless categories of links. This implies that you can create as many categories of links as you want. A majority of software support built in categories but you can customize them as well. If you do not need a category, you can disable it.

Apart from maintaining a list of different types of links, the link directory software also helps you to manage your links in a better way. Whenever a link is added to your website, it will automatically be added to the link directory. You will also come to know the summary of the performance of a particular link.

So all these benefits and much more, you can access via link directory software. In fact you can very easily install this software on your computer to develop a link directory.

About The Author
Henry James Discover advanced link building and link popularity tools and resources as a Member of: http://www.Link-Advantage.com

Microsoft Great Plains Customization Project Organization International Business Example

Writen by Andrew Karasev

Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains fits to majority of horizontal niches and clientele in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Latin America, U.K., Brazil, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Middle East. If you are project organization: Real Estate, Law Firm, Placement Agency with permanent clients, Construction or Freight Forwarding company – you probably use or plan to deploy Project management or Project accounting extension for Microsoft Great Plains. If you have your business in one country – this work relatively simple, however we see clients, involved into international business, when your headquarters is located in the US for example and offices and locations are in Mexico. Let's look at your options:

• Localized version of Great Plains. Former Great Plains Software, who created Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise/Dynamics C/S+ back in 1990th had serious international expansion plans and realized the majority of them. Currently you can purchase Spanish, Canadian French, Brazilian Portuguese and other local versions of Great Plains. When we are talking about localization – we mean not only translated into local language, but also tuned to local taxation regulations. You can have users working with the same company in Great Plains – some of them will use English and others Spanish version.

• Project Automation options. When you are doing business internationally – you are dealing with multi currency. In the case of Great Plains you can have unlimited number of currencies and for the specific company you select so-called functional currency. If you have branch in Mexico – you can setup US Dollar as functional currency and have invoices issued in Peso. Then you will have gains or losses on currency revaluation posted to your General Ledger. However you should know that multicurrency works with limited number of Project Management extensions. If you use third party extension in the US – you should check with its vendor if multicurrency is supported. Chances are that it isn't and in this case you should consider using standard version of Microsoft Great Plains Project Accounting.

• Great Plains hosting. Most of our clients are hosting the system in their headquarters. However you could get your software price discounts if you host in the main facility abroad. Let's say – you have production facility in Brazil and distribution offices in US. If you place your system in Brazil and have remote connection for US-based users – you can purchase the software by Brazilian price list.

Good luck with implementation and customization and if you have issues or concerns – we are here to help! If you want us to do the job - give us a call 1-866-528-0577! help@albaspectrum.com

Andrew Karasev is Chief Technology Officer in Alba Spectrum Technologies – USA nationwide Great Plains, Microsoft CRM customization company, serving clients in Chicago, California, Texas, Florida, New York, Georgia, Arizona, Minnesota, UK, Australia and having locations in multiple states and internationally ( http://www.albaspectrum.com ), he is CMA, Great Plains Certified Master, Dexterity, SQL, C#.Net, Crystal Reports and Microsoft CRM SDK developer. You can contact Andrew: andrewk@albaspectrum.com

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Microsoft Small Business Manager Ecommerce Overview

Writen by Andrew Karasev

Microsoft Business Solutions Small Business Manager is scaled down Great Plains Dexterity based version of Microsoft Great Plains or former Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise. Small Business Manager first release 7.0 and all the following version was available on MSDE (MS SQL Server 2000 with limited usage and database size – 2GB maximum). It is nice situation on the market in eCommerce niche – we see huge number of customers, who have purchased and implemented SBM for their small and mid-size businesses and then realized that customization options for Small Business Manager are very limited: in comparison to Great Plains SBM doesn't have VBA/Modifier, it has very restricted version of Integration Manager. These restrictions lead you, eCommerce developer to direct SQL programming. Again – being scaled down version of Microsoft Great Plains – Small Business Manager has a legacy of relatively complex tables structure. tom stored procedures way here:

1. Tables Structure. Small Business Manager has similar to Great Plains structure and similar System DYNAMICS database and the company. As you could see tables structure in Resource description in Great Plains – so you do in SBM

2. Stored Procs. Yes – we can go ahead and create stored proc in DYNAMICS and companies databases or Small Business Manager. Now – there is one issue. Technically Small Business Manager comes with MSDE and MSDE doesn't have lovely tool SQL Server Enterprise Manager with Query Analyzer, etc. So somehow you should deal with this. If you have consulting programmer – she or he can connect to your MSDE installation, using MS SQL Server Enterprise Manager, installed on consultant's laptop

3. Visual Studio.Net. This is the development tools to use – because you will need a lot of web-debugging, considering complicated tables structure and records workflow. Some developers might suggest to use VS.Net data designer to link to Great Plains tables – this idea is rather very difficult to realize, because of the simultaneous population of multiple tables, while creating internet orders: Order Header, Order Lines, Order Comments, Customer Master, Customer Address Master to name a few. So we would recommend sticking to stored proc.

4. SOP. Sales Order Processing. Usually eCommerce solution works around Sales Order Processing tables. The reason is – it works with Inventoried items and typical eCommerce is ordering specific items off the internet. Look at SOP10100, SOP10200 and other tables with SOP prefix. Also you should know that SOP1XXX – are so called working tables and you populate mostly these, when orders are transformed to invoices, order record goes to SOP3XXX tables – these are called historical

5. RM. Receivables Management Module – When Sales Order Processing Invoices are posted – they create record in Accounts Receivables or Receivables Management Module. RM has RMXXXX tables and the ones you are interested to know are RM00101 – customer master and RM00102 – customer address master

6. Batch Processing. We recommend you consider just order creation via web interface. Then these orders should be processed by operator in Small Business Manager

Good luck with implementation, customization and integration and if you have issues or concerns – we are here to help! If you want us to do the job - give us a call 1-630-961-5918 or 1-866-528-0577! help@albaspectrum.com

Andrew is Great Plains specialist in Alba Spectrum Technologies (http://www.albaspectrum.com ) – USA nationwide Great Plains, Microsoft CRM customization company, serving clients in Chicago, Houston, Atlanta, Phoenix, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Miami, New Orleans, Toronto, Montreal and having locations in multiple states and internationally

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Budgeting Software

Writen by Seth Miller

One of the most effective ways of handling your personal finances is to make a budget of all your expenses and your income for a given period of time. Doing so will make you aware of your financial standing and enable you to plan your purchases. It can also help you avoid the hassle of being unprepared for unexpected spending.

Given the advantages of making a budget, software companies have developed software that people can use on their computers to make the process of making a budget easier for their clients. In picking out budgeting software that will best fit your needs, you need to consider a few things. Below are a few tips that can help you pick out the best software for you.

What to look out for

One of the most important things you should consider when buying budgeting software is the ease with which you can install the software and transfer all your accounting information into the program. This is very important because in order for your budgeting software to be able to help you in your finances, you must be able to put in all the necessary information with a certain level of ease so that you will not waste valuable time in transferring data into the program.

Another important consideration is that your budgeting software must be able to deal with different currencies, as this will make your international transactions easier to undertake.

Another thing you should look out for is accessibility. Using software that can be accessed by an auditor or an accountant is a good idea so that they can verify your data. You should also get software that will churn out the records or the documents that you want, which may be a quarterly budget and/or your tax computations.

You should also try to get software that will allow you to do some forecasting so that you can do come future planning that is based on your current and expected financial status.

Lastly you should also use software that will make your financial status information secure from people who you do not want to have access to it.

Budgeting Software provides detailed information on Budgeting Software, Business Budgeting Software, Free Budgeting Software, Personal Budgeting Software and more. Budgeting Software is affiliated with Purchasing Consultants.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Borland C Ms Word Automation

Writen by Vahe Karamian


Originally, I wrote a C++ parser which was used to parse given MS Word documents and put them into some form of a structure that was more useful for data processing. After I wrote the parser, I started working with .NET and C# to re-create the parser. In the process, I also wrote my first article for Code Project, Automating MS Word Using Visual Studio .NET. Several people have requested to see the C++ version of the application, hence, I finally got some time to put something together. I have written this article with the intention of making it easier for someone who is looking for quick answers. I hope that people can benefit from the information provided and help them get started faster.


No special background is necessary. Just have some hands on experience with C++.

Using the code

I think the best way to present the code would be to first give you the critical sections which you need to get an instance of MS Word, and then give you snapshots of code that perform specific functions. I believe this way will help you get started faster in developing your own programs.

The following block is the header portion of the CPP file.

Note: The most important include files are and . These are used for COM and OLE.

// Vahe Karamian - 04-20-2004 - For Code Project //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #pragma hdrstop

// We need this for the OLE object #include #include #include "Unit1.h" #include //---------------------------------------------------------------------------

#pragma package(smart_init) #pragma resource "*.dfm" TForm1 *Form1; The following block creates MS Word COM Object. This is the object which will be used to access MS Word application functions. To see what functions are available, you can do within MS Word. Refer to the first article, Automating MS Word Using Visual Studio .NET.

As before, you can either make a Windows Forms Application or a Command Line application, the process is the same. The code below is based on a Windows Forms application, that has a button to start the process. When the user clicks the button, the Button1Click(TObject *Sender) event will be called and the code executed.

Note: To better understand the code, ignore everything in the code except the portions that are in bold.

TForm1 *Form1; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- __fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)

: TForm(Owner) { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------

void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) {




// used for the file name

OleVariant fileName;

fileName = openDialog->FileName;

Variant my_word;

Variant my_docs;

// create word object

my_word = Variant::CreateObject( "word.application" );

// make word visible, to make invisible put false

my_word.OlePropertySet( "Visible", (Variant) true );

// get document object

my_docs = my_word.OlePropertyGet( "documents" );

Variant wordActiveDocument = my_docs.OleFunction( "open", fileName );



. So a brief explanation, we define a OleVariant data type called fileName, we assign a file path to our fileName variable. In the code above, this is done using a OpenDialog object. Of course, you can just assign a whole path for testing if you like, i.e., c:\test.doc.

Next, we define two Variant data types called my_word, and my_docs. my_word will be used to create a word.application object and my_docs will be used to create a documents object.

Next, we define another Variant data type called myActiveDocument. Using this referenced object, we can now do what we want! In this case, we are going to open the given MS Word document.

Notice that most of the variables are of type Variant.

At this point, we have a Word document that we can start performing functions on. At first, it might take a while for you to see how it works, but once you get a hang of it, anything in MS Word domain is possible.

Let's take a look at the following code, it is going to be dealing with tables within a MS Word document.



Variant wordTables = wordActiveDocument.OlePropertyGet( "Tables" );

long table_count = wordTables.OlePropertyGet( "count" );


. As I mentioned before, all your data types are going to be of Variant. So we declare a Variant data type called wordTables to represent Tables object in our Document object.

Variant wordTables = wordActiveDocument.OlePropertyGet( "Tables" ); The line above will return all Table objects that are within our active Document object. Since Tables is a property of a Document object, we have to use the OlePropertyGet( "Tables" ); to get the value.

long table_count = wordTables.OlePropertyGet( "count" ); The line above will return the number of tables in out Tables object. This is done by calling the OlePropertyGet( "count" ); to return us the value.

You might be wondering where do I get this information from? The answer to that question is in the first article: Automating MS Word Using Visual Studio .NET.

The next block of code will demonstrate how to extract content from the Tables object.

. . . int t, r, c;

try {

for( t=1; t<=table_count; t++ )


Variant wordTable1 = wordTables.OleFunction( "Item", (Variant) t );

Variant tableRows = wordTable1.OlePropertyGet( "Rows" );

Variant tableCols = wordTable1.OlePropertyGet( "Columns" );

long row_count, col_count;

row_count = tableRows.OlePropertyGet( "count" );

col_count = tableCols.OlePropertyGet( "count" );



for( r=1; r<=row_count; r++ )


Variant tableRow = tableRows.OleFunction( "Item", (Variant) r );

tableRow.OleProcedure( "Select" );

Variant rowSelection = my_word.OlePropertyGet( "Selection" );

Variant rowColumns = rowSelection.OlePropertyGet( "Columns" );

Variant selectionRows = rowSelection.OlePropertyGet( "Rows" );

long rowColumn = rowColumns.OlePropertyGet( "count" );

for( c=1; c<=rowColumn; c++ ) //col_count; c++ )


Variant rowCells = tableRow.OlePropertyGet( "cells" );

Variant wordCell = wordTable1.OleFunction( "Cell",

(Variant) r, (Variant) c );

Variant cellRange = wordCell.OlePropertyGet( "Range" );

Variant rangeWords = cellRange.OlePropertyGet( "Words" );

long words_count = rangeWords.OlePropertyGet( "count" );

AnsiString test = '"';

for( int v=1; v<=words_count; v++ )


test = test + rangeWords.OleFunction( "Item",

(Variant) v ) + " ";


test = test + '"';




my_word.OleFunction( "Quit" ); } catch( Exception &e ) {

ShowMessage( e.Message + "nType: " + __ThrowExceptionName() +

"nFile: "+ __ThrowFileName() +

"nLine: " + AnsiString(__ThrowLineNumber()) ); } . . . Okay, so above we have the code that actually will go through all of the tables in the Document object and extract the content from them. So we have tables, and tables have rows and columns. To go through all of the Tables object in a document, we do a count and get the number of tables within a document.

So we have three nested for loops. The first one is used for the actual Table object, and the 2nd and 3rd are used for the rows and columns of the current Table object. We create three new Variant data types called wordTable1, tableRows, and tableCols.

Note: Notice that wordTable1 comes from the wordTables object. We get out table by calling wordTables.OleFunction( "Item", (Variant) t );. This returns us a unique Table object from the Tables object.

Next, we get the Rows and Columns object of the given Table object. And this is done by calling OlePropertyGet( "Rows" ); and OlePropertyGet( "Columns" ); of the wordTable1 object!

Next, we get a count of rows and columns in the given Rows and Columns objects which belong to the wordTable1 object. We are ready to step through them and get the content.

Now, we will have to define four new Variant data types called tableRow, rowSelection, rowColumsn, and selectionRows. Now, we can start going from column to column in the selected row to get the content.

In the most inner for loop, the final one, we again define four new Variant data types called rowCells, wordCell, cellRange, and rangeWords. Yes, it is tedious, but we have to do it.

Let's sum what we did so far:

We got a collection of Tables object within the current Document object. We got a collection of Rows and Columns in the current Table object. We went through each row and got the number of columns it has. We get the column and the cells, and step through the cells to get to the content of the table. Note: Yes, some steps are repeated, but the reason behind it is because not all tables in a given document are uniform! I.e., it does not necessarily mean that if row 1 has 3 columns, then row 2 must have 3 columns as well. More than likely, it will have different number of columns. You can thank the document authors/owners.

So then the final step will just step through the cells and get the content and concatenate it for a single string output.

And finally, we want to quit Word and close all documents.


my_word.OleFunction( "Quit" );

... That is pretty much it. The code does sometimes get pretty tedious and messy. The best way to approach automating/using Word is by first knowing what it is that you exactly want to do. Once you know what you want to achieve, then you will need to find out what objects or properties you need to use to perform what you want. That's the tricky part, you will have to read the documentation: Automating MS Word Using Visual Studio .NET.

In the next code block, I will show you how to open an existing document, create a new document, select content from the existing document and paste it in the new document using Paste Special function, then do clean up, i.e., Find and Replace function.

Before you look at the block of code, the following list will identify which variable is used to identify what object and the function that can be applied to them.

Variables and representations: vk_filename: existing document name vk_converted_filename: new document name vk_this_doc: existing document object vk_converted_document: new document object vk_this_doc_select: existing document selected object vk_this_doc_selection: existing document selection vk_converted_document_select: new document selected object vk_converted_document_selection: new document selection wordSelectionFind: Find and Replace object // Get the filename from the list of files in the OpenDialog vk_filename = openDialog->Files->Strings[i]; vk_converted_filename = openDialog->Files->Strings[i] + "_c.doc";

// Open the given Word file vk_this_doc = vk_word_doc.OleFunction( "Open", vk_filename );

statusBar->Panels->Items[2]->Text = "READING";

// ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Vahe Karamian - 10-10-2003 // This portion of the code will convert the word document into // unformatted text, and do extensive clean up statusBar->Panels->Items[0]->Text = "Converting to text..."; vk_timerTimer( Sender );

// Create a new document Variant vk_converted_document = vk_word_doc.OleFunction( "Add" );

// Select text from the original document Variant vk_this_doc_select = vk_this_doc.OleFunction( "Select" ); Variant vk_this_doc_selection = vk_word_app.OlePropertyGet( "Selection" );

// Copy the selected text vk_this_doc_selection.OleFunction( "Copy" );

// Paste selected text into the new document Variant vk_converted_document_select =

vk_converted_document.OleFunction( "Select" ); Variant vk_converted_document_selection =

vk_word_app.OlePropertyGet( "Selection" ); vk_converted_document_selection.OleFunction( "PasteSpecial",

0, false, 0, false, 2 );

// Re-Select the text in the new document vk_converted_document_select =

vk_converted_document.OleFunction( "Select" ); vk_converted_document_selection =

vk_word_app.OlePropertyGet( "Selection" );

// Close the original document vk_this_doc.OleProcedure( "Close" );

// Let's do out clean-up here ... Variant wordSelectionFind =

vk_converted_document_selection.OlePropertyGet( "Find" );

statusBar->Panels->Items[0]->Text = "Find & Replace..."; vk_timerTimer( Sender );

wordSelectionFind.OleFunction( "Execute", "^l",

false, false, false, false, false, true, 1, false,

" ", 2, false, false, false, false ); wordSelectionFind.OleFunction( "Execute", "^p", false,

false, false, false, false, true, 1, false,

" ", 2, false, false, false, false );

// Save the new document vk_converted_document.OleFunction( "SaveAs", vk_converted_filename );

// Close the new document vk_converted_document.OleProcedure( "Close" ); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- So what we are doing in the code above, we are opening an existing document with vk_this_doc = vk_word_doc.OleFunction( "Open", vk_filename );. Next we add a new document with Variant vk_converted_document = vk_word_doc.OleFunction( "Add" );. Then we want to select the content from the existing document and paste them in our new document. This portion is done by Variant vk_this_doc_select = vk_this_doc.OleFunction( "Select" ); to get a select object and Variant vk_this_doc_selection = vk_word_app.OlePropertyGet( "Selection" ); to get a reference to the actual selection. Then we have to copy the selection using vk_this_doc_selection.OleFunction( "Copy" );. Next, we perform the same task for the new document with Variant vk_converted_document_select = vk_converted_document.OleFunction( "Select" ); and Variant vk_converted_document_selection = vk_word_app.OlePropertyGet( "Selection" );. At this time, we have a selection object for the existing document and the new document. Now, we are going to be using them both to do our special paste using vk_converted_document_selection.OleFunction( "PasteSpecial", 0, false, 0, false, 2 );. Now, we have our original content pasted in a special format in the newly created document. We have to do a new select call in the new document before we do our find and replace. To do so, we simply use the same calls vk_converted_document_select = vk_converted_document.OleFunction( "Select" ); and vk_converted_document_selection = vk_word_app.OlePropertyGet( "Selection" );. Next, we create a Find object with Variant wordSelectionFind = vk_converted_document_selection.OlePropertyGet( "Find" ); and finally, we can use our find object to perform our find and replace with wordSelectionFind.OleFunction( "Execute", "^l", false, false, false, false, false, true, 1, false, " ", 2, false, false, false, false );.

That's all there is to it!

Points of Interest

Putting structure to a Word document is a challenging task, given that many people have different ways of authoring documents. Nevertheless, it would help for organizations to start modeling their documents. This will allow them to apply XML schema to their documents and make extracting content from them much easier. This is a challenging task for most companies; usually, either they are lacking the expertise or the resources. And such projects are huge in scale due to the fact that they will affect more than one functional business area. But on the long run, it will be beneficial to the organization as a whole. The fact that your documents are driven by structured data and not by formatting and lose documents has a lot of value added to your business.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Small Business Payroll Software

Writen by Jennifer Bailey

Small business payroll software handles payroll and tax filing in small business establishments. A small business company is defined as a company with 500 or less employees. Small business payroll software simplifies tedious tasks of documenting, figuring and executing a payroll; on a weekly, biweekly or monthly manner. The cost of payroll software depends on the payment duration, number of employees working, the state where the company is situated and the tax procedure followed by the state. The features in the software can also vary due to the above said reasons. Small business payroll software programs save time and manpower. Even smaller companies have full time employees only for executing payrolls, by the use of small business payroll software; they can be used in other appropriate posts.

Small business payroll software programs are continuously evolving and are becoming more and more user friendly and more accurate. The usefulness of small business payroll software is measured in terms of its features and services. Good small business payroll software will have several options and will have the flexibility to meet the growing needs of a company. Though there will be some initial time lag in inputting data, the software minimizes it with its fantastic speed of calculation. It also warns us about multiple entries of same data. The only error possible is human error which comes at the time of data inputting.

Small business payroll software can be purchased directly from the market or from online service providers. Most software makers allow you to compare their product with other products on their Web sites. Many small business payroll software providers provide a free trail, which gives you a chance to use the software and see whether it meets the needs of your company. The cost of payroll software programs vary considerably from $20 a month to many hundreds. Many small business payroll software companies assure you service and up gradation for a definite period of time.

Payroll Software provides detailed information on Payroll Software, Payroll Accounting Software, Free Payroll Software, Payroll Time Clock Software and more. Payroll Software is affiliated with Recruiting Database Software.

Medical Billing Solving The Problems Part Iii Bad Insurance Filings

Writen by Lori A Anderson

One of the challenges practices face is the incorrect capture of insurance information. This can happen for many reasons. First, the patient may supply the wrong or outdated information. Second, the practice could type the information in incorrectly. Either way, the claim will be denied.

Potential Solution

One solution may be to implement an Insurance Eligibility Verification feature using your Medical Billing Software. This feature can verify accurate carrier policy information before seeing your patient. With electronic insurance eligibility verification, you can feel secure knowing that the information is accurate. Inquiries can be submitted through the medical billing software system provider to the claims clearinghouse. In a matter of seconds you will receive a response.

The benefits of insurance eligibility verification are many:

  1. Minimize Claim Denials – You lose money every time insurance eligibility goes unverified and claims are subsequently denied. Denials are a big cash flow problem for many practices.
  2. Increase Collections and Cash Flow - Insurance eligibility verification permits you to determine if a patient is currently eligible for coverage from their insurance company with out making lengthy phone calls.
  3. Reduce Resubmitted Claims - Every time you resubmit a claim you pay for a transaction. Even one error in payer information can reject the claim, and require a resubmission.
  4. Accurately Set Patients Coverage Expectations - Enhances overall patient satisfaction and minimizes the risk of uncollected balances.
  5. Provides Accurate Determination of CoPay and Deductibles.

Most Clearinghouses use the ANSI X12N format to transmit eligibility requests and responses. This format was implemented to comply with HIPAA requirements. Eligibility responses provide pertinent insurance policy and coverage data, including:

  • Patient demographics
  • Name and address of patients' primary care provider so you may contact them.
  • Policy number
  • Policy detail - Coverage dates and status, to tell the provider's staff whether a patient has insurance coverage on the date(s) healthcare is provided
  • Details on patient's medical group affiliation - to help you to submit claims to the appropriate party when payment responsibility is shifted away from the health plan.
  • Deductible amount, deductible amount remaining for this year, and deductible year-end date.
  • Patient co-pay responsibility detail - to give you the correct co-payment required while the patients are still in the office.
  • Benefit information can include inpatient and outpatient benefits, pharmacy benefits, deductible accumulation, co-payment accumulation, stop-loss information, waivers and restrictions.

Since the healthcare provider is getting the most up-to-date information from the payer real-time, they can make intelligent decisions about the healthcare services being provided as well as payment arrangements that may need to be made. In addition, with this knowledge in advance, the practice has time to rectify any problem with eligibility prior to the date of service.

Enhance your staff productivity by avoiding manual insurance verification. With reduced denials for non-eligible status which results in decreased financial losses, electronic eligibility verification will benefit your practice now and in the future.

Lori Anderson, an independent consultant with LAtech, works with Antek HealthWare on their DAQbilling Medical Billing Software and LabDAQ Laboratory Information System projects, since 1991. With vast experience in the medical field her writing expertise includes laboratory operations, billing services, and private practice operations.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Scheduling Software Can Help You Become More Organized

Writen by James Hunt

Scheduling software and personal information management (or PIM) tools can help anyone become more organized and lead a much more productive business and personal life.

Scheduling software and personal information management tools allow us to store personal records for the purposes of calendaring, contact management, email management, instant messaging, and other personal productivity tools. The latest generation of PIM applications provide for internet connectivity to allow users to synchronize with online calendaring and scheduling tools as well as other online personal information management utilities such as web mail. Individuals who have found PDA (personal digital assistants) useful will be please with the latest generation of net connected PDA aware applications that allow for transparent synchronization of cell phones, PDAs, as well as laptop and desktop computers.

Scheduling software has come a long way since the early days of Microsoft Outlook and Palm Desktop. There are now open source alternatives that are freely available and in many ways as powerful as and in some cases more powerful than their expensive proprietary competitors. Linux users have seen the growth of the Gnome-based calendaring and scheduling software "Evolution" while cross platform open source software enthusiasts have enjoyed the releases of Sunbird and Thunderbird from the Mozilla Foundation's popular code base.

Developers have been paying attention to the Microsoft-dominated personal information management software realm. The software giant out of Redmond, Washington has recently released Outlook Live, which is available as a subscription service that is subscribed to on a yearly basis. The Outlook live service aims to provide a seamless and transparent user experience through the use of a reworked version of their award winning Outlook 2003 PIM client software that has the native ability to handle multiple calendars and built in connectivity and synchronization with the popular MSN website's feature set (such as the nearly ubiquitous MSN Hotmail services). If you find yourself needing access to your data 2 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year no matter where you are in the world (as long as you have access to an internet connected computer with a compatible web browser installed (Internet Explorer for those of you out there keeping score).

James Hunt has spent 15 years as a professional writer and researcher covering stories that cover a whole spectrum of interest. Read more at http://www.scheduling-software-center.com

How To Negotiate And Purchase Your Erp System

Writen by Chris Shaul

There are many sources of information on how to select and implement software, but there is little information on how to negotiate and make the purchase of the software. The uninformed can spend thousands of dollars more than they need too. Those that know the "tricks" of the trade can save themselves enough to pay for several modules or a good chunk of the implementation costs.

The first thing to keep in mind is timing. When you buy the system is key. As this article is being written, the clock is ticking down to the end of the year. This is an opportune time to purchase a system. Even more advantageous is making the purchase at the end of the software vendor's fiscal year. Vendors are hungry for the deal. The need to make the numbers for the year. They want to do whatever it takes to boost their sales figures and show a successful quarter. Actually, any quarter end will do, but year end is the time when bonuses are given and certain sales incentives are taunting the software salesperson.

The next thing to do is to keep your options open. Even if you find the best whizzbang system that does exactly what you need, there are probably several systems that will work for you. Keeping your options open and communicating that to the salesperson will only make them work harder for the deal. Even if you know you will buy their software, let them know how much better or cheaper the competition is. Give them a reason to work for the deal.

When negotiating software pricing, keep in mind that you may not need all of the licenses up front. You can delay purchasing the entire suite of user seats until you are ready to go live. Get enough to cover your testing and implementation phases and be sure to lock in the pricing for a year or for the planned duration of the implementation.

Don't forget that the implementation and how it will occur is negotiable. The terms of payment are negotiable. Who will be on the project from the vendor's side is also a point of discussion and can be changed. There are many things that you can plan out and ask of the software provider or reseller.

Remember that most everything is negotiable. Software price, implementation rates, duration, and sometimes even annual maintenance contracts (those these are usually the most difficult). Perhaps negotiating when the maintenance begins will be possible. If you are splitting the user seats, have the maintenance pro-rated during the implementation phase.

Unlike the year 2000 preparations, there usually isn't an absolute deadline as to when you need to purchase, so if you must, hold off for a month or two, if it is to your advantage. Or, tell the salesperson that you plan on doing so, so what can he/she do now?

Properly planned, the negotiation will more than pay for the time spent doing it correctly. Following the vendor's lead will lead you to an overpriced system. Keep the money in your company's bank, not the software company's. Some negotiation strategies will work and some will not. The key is to remember that you are driving the sale. Get what you want at the price and terms that is fair to you.

Additional resources:



Chris Shaul is a Sr. IT Consultant and specializes about ERP selections and implementations. He frequently contributes to http://www.erpandmore.com

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Microsoft Dynamics Gp 90 Latam Support Customization Upgrade Implementation Overview

Writen by Andrew Karasev

With the recent move to new naming – Microsoft Dynamics GP, former Microsoft Great Plains / Great Plains Software Dynamics & eEnterprise 4.0, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0 and now Dynamics GP 9.0 is the product with multiple series and interfaces: Great Plains Dexterity "fat" client, MS Business Portal, FRx, Crystal Reports & now MS SQL Server Reporting Services. For the majority of the existing clients spread over the whole LATAM: Latin America continent: from Mexico & Caribbean to Argentina & Chile, Microsoft Great Plains is associated with the standard client interface: Dex.exe working with DYNAMICS.DIC dictionary – this is where Financial: GL, AR, AP, Payroll, Distributions: SOP, IV, POP modules are coded. Very often we see the case when customer is still on version 6.0 or 7.5 on Pervasive SQL or Ctree database platforms, not supported (effective 2004) by Microsoft Business Solutions technical support any more. In this small article we are trying to orient IT managers of Latin American companies with Microsoft Dynamics GP migration path, upgrade, data conversion, integration, custom development.

• Microsoft Dexterity. Great Plains Software Dexterity, now it should be considered as the legacy IDE/programming language was architectured by Great Plains Software as pioneered Graphical and Database platform independent C-shell in earlier 1990th. If you remember those nice and optimistic days – nobody could predict which graphical platform will win: Microsoft Windows, Macintosh MAC OS, Sun Solaris or something else. GPS designed graphical shell to be kind of platform independent (better say – be able to switch from one platform to another with relatively low level of redevelopment). The second principle was Database platform independence – Oracle, Sybase, Ingress, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB 2, potentially Lotus Notes Domino – Dexterity was first designed for Pervasive SQL and Ctree/Faircomm, then MS SQL Server 6.5 – Microsoft Dynamics C/S+. Now, when Microsoft purchased GPS – the actuality of being Graphics and DB independent vanished and Microsoft Dynamics GP is available for on Windows only and for MS SQL Server 2000/2005.

• Technical FAQ. The most popular question was and still is – how to delete user who is hung up in Great Plains. Here is the answer: delete activity where userid='jorge' – run this statement against DYNAMICS DB and replace Jorge with actual user id in Great Plains. Second question by popularity is how to unlock hanging batch: update SY00500 set … then before you design it – look at the other "good" batches and check which is their batch status field – change batch status field to zero for the problem batch – SY00500 is in the Company database. If the crash was to severe – you need to clear SY00800 table as well – this one sits in DYNAMICS database.

• Customizations. Even if you as the developer have now more options: eConnect, advanced tools in Integrations Manager, Visual Studio.Net with eConnect extensions and web services exposed eConnect methods – we still expect high demand for Microsoft Dexterity customizations and Dexterity development. Dexterity development is usually done over DYNAMICS.DIC and often requires access to Dexterity source code (DYNAMICS.DIC with sanscripts codes in it). Besides Dexterity, due to the high popularity of eConnect we expect high demand on SQL Stored procs programming – especially posting extensions for eConnect, all the kinds of SOP processing stored procedures for eCommerce web development, such as integrations with Microsoft RMS, credit card processing modules connection, etc.

Please do not hesitate to call or email us México DF: 52-55-535-04027, help@albaspectrum.com

Andrew Karasev is Great Plains consultant at Alba Spectrum Technologies ( http://www.albaspectrum.com ) - Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains, Navision, Axapta, MS CRM, Oracle Financials and IBM Lotus Domino Partner, serving corporate customers in the following industries: Aerospace & Defense, Medical & Healthcare, Distribution & Logistics, Hospitality, Banking & Finance, Wholesale & Retail, Chemicals, Oil & Gas, Placement & Recruiting, Advertising & Publishing, Textile, Pharmaceutical, Non-Profit, Beverages, Conglomerates, Apparels, Durables, Manufacturing and having locations in multiple states and internationally. We are serving LATAM: Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Chili, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico

Clear Your Browser Cache

Writen by Nicholas Fauchelle

When you use a web browser (Internet Explorer, Opera etc) and view web pages these files are automatically saved on your computer. These are known as browser cache or temporary internet files.

Each browser users a different location on your computer to save its 'cache', and each browser has its own way of clearing this cache. If these aren't cleaned out regularly they can consume a large amount of space on your computer!

Below we show you a step by step method for cleaning browsers, Internet Explorer, Opera and Firefox.

Internet Explorer
The first step in clearing the cache/temporary internet files for Internet Explorer is to open a browser window, and select 'Tools' from the top menu and then select 'Internet Options' (last item).

Once this window loads up, we are looking for the 'Delete Files' button. Click this button then tick the box 'Delete all offline content', then click Ok. This can take a while to process if there is a lot of files to delete. Once done, click 'Ok' and close the control panel window.

To clean the cache in Opera open the browser then select 'Tools' from the top menu, and go down to 'Preferences'. On the left hand side of the preferences screen, click the label 'History and Cache'. On the right side of the window you will have a button that says 'Empty now', select this button. If you have a lot of files in the cache this can take a while to process. Once done, click 'Ok' then close the browser window.

Cleaning Firefox's cache is similar to the other browsers. First, open a Firefox browser window, and click 'Tools' from the top menu. Then go down to Options'. When the window has opened click on the Privacy icon (on the left). On the right hand screen, you will have a button down the bottom that says 'Clear', which is to the right of the word 'Cache'. Click this button to clear the Firefox cache. Once done, click Ok and close the browser window.

Nicholas Fauchelle is the owner and operator of http://www.reclaimyourdrivespace.com. He offers additional resources and articles at: http://www.reclaimyourdrivespace.com

Friday, February 20, 2009

Software Makes Processing Possible

Writen by Sumit Sehghal

Computers have become an important part of our life and used for day-to-day working. In every field whether it is a school, college, business, home or hospitals, we use computers. A computer system consists of various parts, procedures and operations, which are known as computer hardware and software.

Both hardware and software have equal importance. In absence on one a computer cannot work. The components that can be seen or touched are known as hardware. The term software is used for all applications and operating systems used in computer. Computer perform its working on basis of such software.

The computer software is loaded into RAM, which is a computer memory and CPU can execute it. The computer can understand only machine language but it is not possible for humans to perform working in this language so it is written in high-level language that are compiled or interpreted into machine language.

There are different types of computer software i.e. system software, application software and programming software. System software supports the different functions of a computer system. Some examples of system software are operating systems, window systems, Linux, device drivers, servers etc.

Application software is designed achieve specific jobs like computer games, office sets, software for business or education etc. Private companies or large business firms are major users of this software. Programming software mainly consist of different tools that are used while writing computer programs. Some of the tools are connectors, interpreters debuggers etc.

Author presents a website on computer software. This website provides information about meaning of and importance of computer software, its types. You can visit his site about software tips.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Educational Software

Writen by Jimmy Sturo

Studies have shown that educational software is very effective enhancing the quality of teaching and helping students comprehends on a higher level. The software is widely available covering subjects like math, science, language and art.

What is educational software?

Educational software generally refers to software that can be used by both students and teachers to augment traditional teaching and learning tools. Nowadays, educational software is indispensable in learning environments, as it allows both educators and pupils to make best use of the educational functions of the computer.

What are the kinds of educational software?

Educational software can be categorized into content-free educational software, and content-rich educational software. Both are very effective teaching and learning tools when used correctly.

Content-free software refers to 'open-ended' software products that allow for user creativity. Examples of such software are graphics and word processing programs. Many educational specialists consider it as being 'more flexible,' because it allows teachers and students to generate their own content.

This kind of educational software is ideal for more advanced classes, such as creative writing. Teachers have to select educational word processing programs that contain limited menu options (no 'spell check,' for example), while supporting a variety of graphic, font and sound file formats. There is educational word processing software that allows auditory feedback, usually used in schools for challenged students.

Other types of content-free software include imaging software and photo sharing software.

Content-rich software, on the other hands, refers to commercially-produced educational software that contains multimedia content such as animation, graphics, sound and video. The information contained in this educational software is usually presented in a very structured manner. Other popular forms of content-rich educational software include science-simulation programs and multimedia encyclopedias.

Educational Software provides detailed information on Educational Software, Childrens Educational Software, Free Educational Software, Educational Software Companies and more. Educational Software is affiliated with Discount Embroidery Software.

Calendar Organizer Insights Build Your Calendar Based Software Quickly Using Hcfo

Writen by Olan Butler

First of all, let's start with a definition of HCFO: The Highly Customizable Framework for Organization (HCFO) is a software framework used for building software applications that organize information on your computer quickly and easily without having to do any computer programming.

To make this concept less abstract, we will deal with HCFO in one dimension: calendar supported software. HCFO and building practical software applications are discussed in greater detail in my "Computing Success Secrets" newsletter. See my website at the end of this article to find out how to become a member.

Calendar supported software includes such software types as appointment calendars, day planners, and any other software package that needs calendar functions as its underlying support system.

Simply, HCFO provides a canvas with a calendar frame in which to paint your software program. Let me illustrate this concept to you with a story about Data Calendar -- a product that implements the HCFO.

Paul wants an appointment calendar program. He thinks to himself, "I need an appointment calendar that allows me to enter appointments on a calendar just like I do with my paper appointment calendar. I would also like to be able to set reminders of my appointments."

Then Paul sits down with Data Calendar and creates a category called "Appointments." When the appointment category is created, Data Calendar automatically creates a yearly calendar equipped with monthly calendar views. Data Calendar also adds the ability to enter appointment data directly on the date box just like a paper appointment calendar. Data Calendar also allows him to set appointments reminders based on date and time.

Let's recap what HCFO and the Data Calendar software did to make Paul's appointment calendar software needs easily accomplished:

  • Paul simply created a category called "Appointments" and Data Calendar created a yearly calendar with monthly views for his appointments.
  • Data Calendar provided the ability to enter his appointments into a date box just like his paper calendar.
  • Data Calendar provided the ability for Paul to set appointment reminders based on date and time.

Obviously, due to the limitations of an article, the above example is a very simplistic application of HCFO using Data Calendar. However, you should be able to see that HCFO opens the door to creating valuable software with little effort in minimum time.

(c) Copyright 2005 Olan Butler All Rights Reserved

Olan Butler is the Chief Architect of BHO Technologists, a computer productivity & organization software provider http://www.bhotechnologists.com with headquarters in Kansas City. Olan also provides Computer Services in the Kansas City area. Join his FREE newsletter "Computing Success Secrets" for a steady stream of computer and life profiting tips. You'll be glad you did!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bar Code Generating Software

Writen by Eddie Tobey

Each bar code has a start bar and an end bar to allow the scanner to read the data precisely. Some bar codes have another bar known as the checksum bar code. After the scanner calculates the sum, it is verified with the value of the checksum bar code for accuracy. This ensures exact calculation with minimal errors.

A number of bar-code-generating software suites are currently available on the market. In order to generate a bar code, the software needs to be installed and certain specifications need to be entered into the software. The most common specifications are the width of the bar code, height of the bar code, spacing between the bars, and symbology. Also, the code word needs to be provided for it to be changed into a bar code format.

Bar code symbology specifies the kind of bar code to be generated. One-dimensional and two-dimensional are the common kinds. Among these there would be subdivisions as to the type of bar code that needs to be created by the software.

Bar code generating software allows the user to easily create a design. The bar code can consist of numbers or alphanumeric characters. Various fonts can be used to distinguish the code while providing a unique touch. A few manufacturers are also experimenting with the graphics within the code, but such experiments require the software to be highly sophisticated to be able to understand it.

Bar code generating software suites come as complete packages that help in the whole process. When the word "whole" is used in this context it includes everything from generating the software to printing labels. Many software suites include the printing software as part of the suite. Since this is included, so too are the printing fonts.

While most can afford to buy bar code generating software, those who cannot can download the software from the Internet. One can also do the work online. Your work can be stored as an image file and used with the printing software to get it onto the labels.

With the software, a minor mistake would be tough to rectify in the later stages due to the unreadability of a bar code. A manual with simple instructions would be provided, which the user needs to go through before starting on a design.

Bar code generating and printing software is available in many varieties. Shopping around would be a good option, as is getting to know all the features of a particular software suite you wish to buy.

Bar Code Software provides detailed information on Bar Code Software, Bar Code Scanner Software, Bar Code Printing Software, Free Bar Code Software and more. Bar Code Software is affiliated with Retail POS Software.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Graphic Artists Academic Software Can Save You Money

Writen by Ispas Marin

If you are a graphic artist, you probably have several different graphic programs gathering dust and taking up disk space on your computer because you probably have one or two basic programs that you use all the time. These will either be the ones you learned first or have come to appreciate over time for either their features or their ease of use.

But, what any serious graphic artist really needs is a complete set of integrated programs to satisfy your creative urge such as Macromedia Studio or Adobe Creative Suite. However, these packages are very expensive and usually beyond the means of someone who is just starting out, like a college student.

Luckily, if you shop smart, you can save a great deal of money when purchasing these products. One of the easiest ways to satisfy your need for high-performance programs is to purchase the academic software version. Academic software packages are also commonly referred to as student software. If you attend any accredited educational institution you can probably qualify for student software purchases which can save you a lot of money. Academic software packages are the same programs sold to businesses but priced so students, teachers and schools can afford to buy them. The only requirement is that you agree to use the software only for education and not for commercial business purposes.

Most academic software packages are designed for student use in classroom environments where thy have access to their instructors as well as other students. As a result, student software packages do not usually include user manuals or any other materials normally included in the "full" boxed retail version of the software.

The availability of free online tutorials (try Googling "free tutorial") can compensate for the student software package's lack of a printed user's manual. However, many of these programs come complete with excellent online help files and built in tutorials so there are more than enough resources available for you to learn everything you need to master even the most advanced software features.

These academic software packages allow you to save anywhere for 60-80% off the retail price. Major software companies specifically designed the student software packages to allow students to learn their craft on the latest versions of professional software. They do this for two reasons: to be good corporate citizens and contribute to educating students and for sound business reasons. The software companies know that most people will use the first software package they learned completely throughout their entire career as long as it still meets their professional needs. This simple marketing strategy crates lifelong customers for these software companies.

You will have to prove that you are a student or teacher to purchase academic software packages. All you will need to do is send a copy of your staff ID, student ID or class schedule along with your order. If you believe that you are eligible for the student software discount, contact your school's bookstore or, to save even more, order it online from an academic software reseller.

If you are a student, teacher or educational institution that qualifies for the academic software discount price, please visit http://www.sprysoft.com to see what is available.

Survey Software

Writen by Richard Romando

Research is critical to civilization. It is the quest for truth, understanding and developing new ideas. Several research methods exist, of which surveys play an integral part. Surveys are required to gather data on an array of fields such as market research, politics, healthcare, education, employee satisfaction, tourism and so on. Just a few years back, this was the toughest part of the whole process. One needed to carefully draft a questionnaire, search people, contact them personally through post, telephone or in person, and collect data. All that vast amount of data collected would then be coded and analyzed, costing time, money and effort. Survey software is the one-stop solution for all research woes.

It comes as one of the biggest boons for all research purposes. It is a timesaving, economical, efficient, effortless, accurate and far-reaching means of data collection. The ease of creating a survey with survey software lies in the step-by-step automated process, with many options available. The basic features of survey software include designing surveys, having a question library to choose questions from, entering data, analyzing responses using statistical methods, creating graphs and tables, and other general features like spell check and editing. Once prepared, the survey can be conducted through emails or the phone, published in print or online, and sent to an unlimited number of people, all with just a click of a mouse.

Software packages of different vendors are available with a common set of features mentioned above, as well as their own USPs. A few are equipped with advanced features, such as the ability to record telephone-based interviews. Voice-capture modules record the respondent's voice, which can make an interesting sample in presentations of the research. This also ensures that meanings are not changed, which often happens when researchers write responses.

A large number of vendors supply survey software online. Many of them provide free trials for a month, and a money back guarantee. Technical support and training is also provided in most cases. Most of these packs can be supported by home PCs. To purchase this software, one needs to understand and compare all features in detail according to the intended usage.

Have more time for actual development and let survey software do the backbreaking work.

Survey Software provides detailed information on Survey Software, Online Survey Software, Email Survey Software, Free Survey Software and more. Survey Software is affiliated with Tax Preparation Software.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Microsoft Great Plains Government Amp Nonprofit Organization Workflow Implementation

Writen by Andrew Karasev

Usually workflow & messaging is realized in CRM and then transactions are just logged into Accounting/ERP/MRP. In the case of Microsoft Business Solutions products: Microsoft Great Plains, Navision, Solomon, Axapta the natural CRM choice would be Microsoft CRM. However typical CRM application targets Sales automation, which is usually not applicable to government structure, non-profit or public company (community services, public utilities, churches, charities, etc.). Not-for-profit organization needs purchasing and requisition workflow, payroll approval workflow, and in certain cases special General Ledger (GL) transactions workflow. Microsoft CRM doesn't provide the functionality. Then how could this be realized? We'll provide two scenarios to realize this customization:

• Lotus Notes/Domino approach. In Great Plains you could realize either Great Plains Dexterity triggers or MS SQL database trigger on certain events (Purchase Order creation, Payroll Transaction, GL transaction). This event calls COM+ application and this one in turn creates Lotus objects via Java agent (Lotus Notes Domino should be version 6.0 or newer). This is basically the bridge. Then in Lotus you have to design workflow – but this is natural task for Lotus and it is not difficult. Users should work in Lotus to get transactions approved and when it should be posted in Great Plains – Lotus calls SQL script against Great Plains company database. Developer should know Microsoft Great Plains tables structure

• Microsoft Exchange/Outlook approach. This is the second way – when you do not want to deploy Lotus Domino, and would be OK with simple messaging and notification through Microsoft Exchange. The technical realization should either involve Dexterity or SQL trigger, calling COM object (Dexterity) or simply sending notification email from MS SQL Server. The scenario to post or take off hold from Great Plains transaction could be realized via MS Exchange event sink – this MS Exchange event handler will check all the messages and when the one has certain criteria – it calls MS SQL Server stored procedure in the Great Plains company database

• Programming Tools. Java agent to address Lotus – you need either Sun JDK or somewhat more advanced: VisualCafe or JBuilder. Great Plains Dexterity trigger should be done in Dexterity IDE – this language requires expertise and it is difficult to code without experience, Microsoft Exchange event sink should be programmed in Visual Studio as COM+ application, then you need to register COM+ application through Control Panel->System->Component Services

• Feasibility. To be honest and do not set unrealistic expectations – this Workflow implementation is pretty serious project and we do not recommend if for small non-profit organization – it is rather for large and mid-size-to-large structure.

We encourage you to analyze your alternatives. You can always appeal to our help, give us a call: 1-866-528-0577 or 1-630-961-5918, help@albaspectrum.com

Andrew Karasev is Chief Technology Officer at Alba Spectrum Technologies ( http://www.albaspectrum.com ), serving Microsoft Great Plains, CRM, Navision to mid-size and large clients in California, Illinois, New York, Georgia, Florida, Texas, Arizona, Washington, Minnesota, Ohio, Michigan

Calibration Software

Writen by Kent Pinkerton

There are various types of calibration software packages that are readily available and are broadly divided under calibration management software, calibration laboratory management software and measuring equipment manufacturer software apart from the general calibration software.

Calibration management software is predominantly employed by proprietors of measuring equipments to sustain quality assertion values with regard to the application of these tools in their establishment.

Calibration laboratory management software is generally used by subcontracted calibrators in their calibration laboratories. Measuring equipment manufacturer software is commonly employed to track the equipment exiting a producer's site.

Calibration software is extensively used with a computer-dependent calibration arrangement, and is commonly used with other types of calibration-related software, or is used independently for various purposes. They are available in diverse types that vary from completely incorporated computer-driven calibration systems to uncomplicated computation programs, or spreadsheets entailing physical effort of readings.

Calibration software plays a significant role in calibration laboratories. However, it should be borne in mind that such software is incoherent to calibration management techniques where calibration outcomes are not mandatory elements of the calibration records preserved by the system.

This is applicable to all subcontracted calibrations, and open to documentation. This is also the case where separate calibration competence is of no significance to the owners and users of the measuring equipment.

It may be similarly noted that calibration measurements and error standards are of definite concern to the calibration management system customer who desires to make use of inaccuracy or deterioration tendencies to evaluate the state of determining equipment and make pronouncements regarding its worth, consistency and effectiveness.

Calibration provides detailed information on Calibration, Calibration Equipment, Calibration Services, Calibration Software and more. Calibration is affiliated with Custom Die Cutting.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Microsoft Great Plains Sop Sales Order Processing

Writen by Vincent Ong

Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains is marketed for mid-size companies as well as Navision (which has very good positions in Europe and emerging markets where it can be easily localized).

Great Plains Sales Order Processing (SOP) module forms a third of the core Inventory and Order Processing part of Great Plains. SOP allows you to manage the entire sales process, from start to finish, with pinpoint accuracy. This makes you capable of serving top customers more effectively, monitor fulfillment and invoicing and more precisely, and streamline processes to minimize shipping costs and labor.

The SOP module builds stronger relationship between you and your customers by optimizing the invoicing and distribution process which speeds inquiries and order deliveries and reduces errors. Work the way you want by defining tracking numbers, information fields, fulfilled quantities, and other order entry functions to fit your needs.


• Repeating Documents – Save time and help ensure accuracy by transferring information from an existing sales order to a new sales order.

• Ship to by Line – Speed time to delivery through multiple ship-to addresses on an individual order. Send each line item on an order to a different site for that customer, saving order entry time and consolidating tasks for faster throughput.

• Credit Card Payment Processing – Avoid delays and costly errors by processing sales orders and credit card authorizations without charging the card or recognizing revenue until the order ships.

• Multiple Site Allocation – Manage inventory shortages by allocating inventory from multiple sites for the same item, as well as options including substation, overriding, or selling the balance.

• Prospective Customers– Track and manage potential customers as prospects, separate from existing accounts.

• Routine Documents - Create routine documents such as quotes, orders, and invoices, or more complex ones like sales analysis reports, in print or on-screen formats. Electronic search capabilities help ensure you find the information you need.

• Single Window Entry–Improve invoicing efficiency with single-window entry for streamlined access to all vital information, as well as batch processing and easy return transaction processing.

• Cross Module Inquiries – Keep the most important information in front of you while drilling down for more details; making inquiries across Microsoft Business Solutions–Great Plains applications; or bringing up customer payment, shipping, and billing information.

• Kit Items – Create kit items (groups of items commonly sold as a single unit) in the Inventory module and sell them through Sales Order Processing.

• Information Availability – Easily locate quantity ordered, back ordered, previously invoiced, canceled and allocated information about an item by accessing the Sales Quantity Status window.

• Unlimited Process Holds – Define, review, or change an unlimited number of process holds to sales documents.

• Sale of Discontinued Items (Option) – Manage inventory more effectively with optional settings that prevent discontinued items from being entered on a quote, order, back order, or invoice.

Good luck with implementation, customization and integration and if you have issues or concerns – we are here to help! If you want us to do the job - give us a call 1-630-961-5918 or 1-866-528-0577! help@albaspectrum.com

Vincent is a Great Plains specialist in Alba Spectrum Technologies (http://www.albaspectrum.com) – USA nationwide Great Plains, Microsoft CRM customization company, serving clients in Chicago, Houston, Atlanta, Phoenix, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Miami, New Orleans, Toronto, Montreal and having locations in multiple states and internationally.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Customer Contact Management Software

Writen by Kent Pinkerton

A business executive has to do multitasking and perform several functions simultaneously to run his business smoothly. With the growth of the business these duties become more taxing, and executives have a pressing need to streamline their business processes and improve information exchange between people at the company. Customer contact management software enables organizations to maximize their time, improve the level of satisfaction of their customers, and reach the desired sales goals.

The software solutions offered by the companies are generally quite easy to configure, and you can get them running on your system in no time. The out-of-the-box approach by leading providers can give you tailor-made solutions which will enable you to view and manage your business at a fast pace.

Using software, the firms can organize e-mails which are sent to or received from clients. The users can track and manage the sales leads at various stages of business deals. This will help you prioritize your efforts and improve the scheduling of meetings. Some software suites go through all mails to identify any attachment related to important contacts. This saves time which can be spent on other important issues.

Before you purchase contact management software check out a few points to ensure you are getting a good deal. If you own a mid-size or big business ask the vendor to customize a program for you with specific defined fields. Make sure it has the import/export or data moving capabilities, which will give you flexibility to move the data in case you decide to switch over to some other contact management solution.

Choose a system which provides web support and helps you to send or retrieve messages. Your software solution should be able to run predefined reports and build customized reports. More importantly, the customer contact software solution should be centralized and easy to monitor.

Contact Management Software provides detailed information on Contact Management Software, Real Estate Contact Management Software, Sales Contact Management Software, Customer Contact Management Software and more. Contact Management Software is affiliated with CRM Software Systems.

Mortgage Broker Software

Writen by Kristy Annely

Amid the mortgage boom in the U.S., predictably enough, the required software has been developed keeping in mind the varied functions of mortgage companies. The prevailing software has made the task of loan officers and related personnel more flexible and they are spared the painful ordeal of going through a difficult procedure, which until the development of the handy software could never be dreamt of.

The software designed specifically with an eye on the ever burgeoning U.S. mortgage industry enables loan officers to operate in an organized manner. It is also of immense help in keeping track of the latest business status. The software has also proved its utility by helping in the process of continuously reaching to perspective and past clients automatically.

Automated strategies are a novel feature of the program that helps loan officers in managing customer relationships in a vastly efficient manner. Promoting customer service is another unique aspect of the program. These strategies go a long way in facilitating loan officers to generate repeat and referral business with ease and in the course of time attracting customers with their efficient dealings.

The software aims to allow a mortgage company to maintain the bare minimal support staff without affecting the volume of loans that it is likely to generate. The software is tailor made to keep up to the challenges of a U.S. mortgage industry that has shown phenomenal growth in recent years. The software has earned widespread acclaim and is quick to respond to the business needs of the companies associated with mortgage dealings.

Mortgage Software provides detailed information about mortgage software, mortgage banking software, mortgage broker software and more. Mortgage Software is affiliated with Mortgage Note Buyer.