Saturday, June 14, 2008

Powerpoint To Swf Web Cd Rom Presentations

Writen by Chris Watts

THE INTRODUCTION: Want Your Powerpoint Presentations To Preserve The Animations in your SWF File

I must admit i'm the kind of person that like things to be well presented, for 2 particularly good reasons

1. It Is More Likely To Hold the Attention Of The Viewer.

2. It Shows Dedication And Conviction To What You Are Featuring.

The challenge of course is to attract the attention of the right kind of people, it could be that your business demands that you hold meetings to discuss statistics and long term goals or strategies, alternatively you may want to attract an audience with selling a product that either you market or produce, whatever reason you have in a business it usually costs a lot of money, and a lot of time to find the right kind of software that will perform all the features you require.

What Are The Benefits of SWF Conversion?

I notice that businesses today need a presentation tool to attract people worldwide or in a specific location, the internet is definitely the way to achieve this at the present moment in time, many corporations or other concerns use Microsoft Powerpoint, it is a relatively easy piece of software to use, and is most effective in getting peoples attention.

However if you are not careful your PPT / PPS files can start to accelerate in memory size due to the content you might be using, and presents the challenge as to whether it would be worth uploading to your website.

In todays market their is a fair selection of software that either acts a plugin to Microsoft Powerpoint, or a standalone GUI that converts the PPT file to SWF but with no bells and whistles to it, additionally you can purchase a software that acts a motion camera to record all the screen movements to ouput as a video file or a SWF file.

Video files could be a backward step if you are wanting to publish to a website in that you would have to compromise quality to make the file smaller, or keep the quality and let viewer have the frustration of waiting for the presentation to load which could take several minutes. the real solution is to export as a SWF file which would be considerably smaller and therefore would be much more acceptable.

Want To Know About A Software That Gives You More Than Its Competitors ?

Whilst considering purchasing a software that can do this for you namely converting PPT to SWF, you find that for your money you just have a software that justs perform that one function and nothing else, this could be disheartening to some.

For some time I have had an affiliation to find a software that could perform this conversion plus many other functions that could be used in business, for instance conversion to PDF, and then the ability to edit that PDF, also to have access to Desktop publishing features, the provision to take good quality screenshots that outclasses Microsoft Windows in built utility, (ideal for tutorials and other uses), then consider the possibilites of book keeping / accounting and spreadsheets use for database usage etc, the list is endless.

Just consider how much money you would spent just to perform these functions it would be a great deal of money.

Getting to the point, the software I recommend for consideration and even evaluation is COREL WORD PERFECT OFFICE X3 I use the standard edition it accomplishes with ease all that I have spoken about, and feel that it performs exceptionally well, no worries of major resources being used on the PC, plus you have the satisfaction that you are paying out for a software suite that caters for all your business or home user needs

Additionally COREL provide a Professional edition that has even more features than I have glossed over in this article.

In conclusion if you have to spend money it is wise to consider what you can get for that amount, you will find that this software recommendation is certainly one to consider if you are looking to get the best value and quality and use.

I am an enthusiast of computer creativity, I devote quality time to studying the very best software and hardware to achieve a first class end result either in business or home user activities, I also can advise inexperienced users as to their options in achieving their end goals whether it is a small business or personal enterprise, or basic home use . I am a webmaster of my own website which devotes its space to reviewing articles about the latest and greatest software releases.

My hobbies are video editing, photographic editing, musician who owns a record company Sackville Records (UK), and devotes much time to studying the Bible as well as lecturing about the subject. I enjoy learning and I am an avid student of the university of life.

For more information about this please visit

1 comment:

seoexpert said...

Your helpful article made me look at this problem from another point of view...thanks for sharing..I will forward it to my friends...
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